Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blogama: 4 Down

"I am more concerned that the Obama administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder, and we still must call abortion by its proper name," said Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry. "We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God."

People have been preaching peace and harmony for a long time and yet they still can't manage to exclude "Violent Action" from the "To Do" list.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Spector Effect

From the Depths of the Lost Weekend (and possibly hell):

Makes me wonder how much bizarre stuff is in the vaults. The original recording of this song is incredible and probably has the most imitated drum beat in pop music, but I'm thinking this version is more at home on Double Fantasy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Military-Industrial-Carpeting Complex

"It was women from Afghanistan's Baluchi culture who, soon after the arrival of the Soviets, began to weave the violence they encountered in their daily lives into sturdy, knotted pile wool rugs that had previously featured peaceful, ordinary symbols, such as flowers and birds."

"The rugs are geared for a tourist market," says Margaret Mills, a folklorist at Ohio State University who has conducted research in Afghanistan since 1974. ... Sediq Omar, a rug merchant from Herat who dealt in war rugs during and after the Soviet occupation, agrees. "Afghanis don't want to buy these," he says. "They're expensive for them. It's the Westerners who are interested."


"As long as there's a market, war rugs will continue to be produced."


More carpets

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hey, Yoko, ever hear of bleach?

Dirty laundry from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex exhibit John Lennon: The New York City Years. More here.

Friday, May 8, 2009


This is what I looked like at 5:30am this morning. I had been bitten by some kind of bug in the right eye, right arm and hand. I could feel the poison running through my veins. There was tightness and pressure throbbing with my every movement. I kept thinking that I had spider bites. My wounds felt warm and sollen like a welt; no obvious bite marks visible.

I called my doctor to make an appointment, but he was gone for the week, so at the suggestion of many I went to the Emergency Room at Mt. Sinani in Spanish Harlem. The swelling around my eye got worse, and I was losing strength in my arm.

I sat in the waiting room an hour and a half before seeing a doctor. No biggie, wasn't like I couldn't breath or anything. The nurse and the doctor had trouble agreeing in what happened to me. Possibly I had bites from spiders, maybe bed bugs or even a mouse. Am I getting The Plague? Nah, I should be fine... So whatever, at least I didn't have to go to work today...

What's this for?

Answer available here:

Just something odd

I'm not sure that's a cigarette.

123 Sesame Street

These are worth watching...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Well-done parody comparing the Obama White House to those guys on that HBO show

Lets Unite

Well, maybe there’s a sequel where we can adjust the fantasy and bring [Maximus] back from the dead

Following the success of Gladiator, released in 2000, Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott invited Cave to write a script for the sequel. They hoped that the macabre musician could find a creative solution to Gladiator 2's main hurdle – that Maximus, Crowe's character, dies at the end of the first film.

Maximus is granted eternal life by the Roman gods, so he spends most of the film trying to reunite with his son, who has joined an army of early Christians. There are a lot of epic fight scenes. But the best part is the finale, which is apparently a montage of Maximus showing up during battles throughout modern history, including World War II and Vietnam. The script ends with Maximus in the Pentagon.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

I ♥ Tracey

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Sometimes when I wake up on Saturdays, my balls aren't the first thing I touch. I reach for the remote. I'm a browser. Lately, I've been finding this show on Saturday mornings. Anyone seen it?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

'Saturdays are Sadderdays' and Other Hits From My Bedroom

So after years of sitting on tunes with no way to share (other than the oral tradition of course) I've recently acquired a new laptop with built in mic and webcam. So I figured that the modern thing to do would be to record my tunes and put myself on "blast" (as the kiddies say) on Youtube. So if you enjoy cuss words and drug references in your brand of pop country then have a look, maybe you'll enjoy yourself...

By the by, I'm not left handed, just didn't realize I had the mirror button turned on on a few of these.