Thursday, September 17, 2009

50 things that are being Killed by the Internet

Found this link on This Isn't Happiness. Here were a couple I could relate to:

1) The art of polite disagreement - While the inane spats of YouTube commencers may not be representative, the internet has certainly sharpened the tone of debate. The most raucous sections of the blogworld seem incapable of accepting sincerely held differences of opinion; all opponents must have "agendas".

11) Music stores - In a world where people don't want to pay anything for music, charging them $16.99 for 12 songs in a flimsy plastic case is no business model.

34) Mainstream media - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Rocky Mountain News in the US have already folded, and the UK's Observer may follow. Free news and the migration of advertising to the web threaten the basic business models of almost all media organisations.

42) The nervous thrill of the reunion - You've spent the past five years tracking their weight-gain on Facebook, so meeting up with your first love doesn't pack the emotional punch it once did.


NathanaelMcDaniel said...

if only we were in the position to do something about it . . .

this parallels quite nicely with the situation concluded in the tarantino article — as with, on a less cosmic level, the egan. but again, one (most) could argue both sides of such sentiment.

JlikeBoB said...

God i only made it to 8 and had to back outta after thinking about this and reading Egan's take...really puts our generation in a perspective. For those who claim we've been given everything, had our way paved...well thanks, it's been great.

I like to tell people that we have the best generation, to which people typically say, "everything generation says." See, you already thought it before you read it. But, the fact of the matter is that specific sects of our generation have never had any belief in this "system" that is utterly imploding before us - which is what distinguishes us from the idiots. If we can hold out and avoid distraction (obviously most of us won't make it), we might be able to re-capture some of that idealism we deserve.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Currently I want to blame everything wrong with this world on Glenn Beck.

RYAN! said...

And everything right with this world is embodied in Kanye West. I hear ya.

JlikeBoB said...

No Kanye is not right...once he puts out a few albums with Boyz 2 Men and does a movie like Boyz In Tha Hood, I'll consider him.