It's 26-time World Series Champtions, the New York Yankees! Tonight they will (hopefully) play the Phillies in the Bronx. As a New Yorker, I'm rooting hard for the Yankees to win. Most people have a "love/hate" relationship with the Yankees, aka you either love 'em or hate 'em. I've always been in the "love" catagory. I appreciate their legacy as a team, and I've admired their professionalism in the last decade or so. Yankees-haters focus on this professionalism as the main reason they hate them, but I ask you this... What's so wrong with wanting have the most money and being the best? What's so wrong with buying up the best players money can buy? What's so wrong with baseball uniforms that fit, and facial hair that is kept trim?
Are you watching the World Series this year? Who do you want to win?
everything. everything. everything.
now, where's your inner crab?
Hehe, love your response! My inner crab still lives in my heart.
My questions were meant to sound mischievous, considering my audience.
Trust me I love seeing long beards, tar covered helmets, and droopy drawers in baseball. One of my favorite baseball players in Towson had a less-than-orthodox haircut, and I admired him for it (and showed up to a game tripping my balls off to show my appreciation).
Still hope the Yankees beat the Phillies though.
yeah, i kinda want 'em to win too, though i was pulling for the angels.
Last night's game was great. Watched it at a decent bar on the Upper East Side (where many of the Yankees live). Once victory was secured they blasted Sinatra's "New York, New York."
That inner crab crawled back in it's shell for the rest of the drunken night.
It's been a great Series. I don't care who wins, as long as it's good baseball.
Jorge Posada is the only Yankee I really like, quality pine tar stain on the bat...no batting gloves.
I do respect the professionalism, it's too bad they couldn't bring some class to their new stadium.
At least they didn't sell Personal Seat Licences at the new stadium. It could be worse.
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