This is an interesting list.
100 Best Novels
Brings up some interesting points about community and people's tendencies to rally and whether that is good or bad or even matters. Personally, it annoys the shit out of me sometimes, like this list. It seems the purpose behinds these types of communities is to prevent any kind of tyranny or favoritism, but as you can see, the list is heavily tilted. Of course the purpose of Community goes much deeper than this, as you can read below, but on the surface, allowing the majority or a large community voice to make decisions can be risky (see '00 - '08). There is also a different between a community and majority. I'm kind of disgusted when I see large groups of people honestly, like protests, or Second Life. I think, "if you see or hear about a large group of people doing anything, be skeptical." There's a great song on MMJ's most recent record about this.
More about Communities.
Sorry about the delay reaction there...hopefully there'll be some back scrolling.
haters...impeding the possibilities of progress
what do you mean?
It has to do with Ms. Fake's article on communities. It's like the rotten apple analogy. With the right attitudes and leaders, visions are realized and there should be endless possibilities for growth within any type of communal setting.
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