On February 2nd I spent my 28th birthday at the Magician in the Lower East Side. A surprising amount of people showed up, and most of them bought me drinks. Needless to say my blood alcohol levels reached heights not seen in years... which lead to me meeting new people/strangers in the bar who found me hard to ignore (for better or worse). While smoking a cigarette outside (because NYC thinks smoking outside is an awesome idea) I met a gentleman that went by "Shady Dan." For some reason or another him and I struck up a brief, but memorable friendship, and he insisted I grab a complimentary bottle of his very own hot sauce. I introduced him to all my friends, we cheered, and a bunch of us poured the sauce on the top of our hands and took some tequila shots (a good idea at the time, my poor liver).
I told Shady I'd find him on facebook, or I'd google him and we'd keep in touch. He told me his website wasn't up yet, and I told him that was inexcusable and would have expected it to be up by now, but alas, his Go Daddy site hasn't developed. I'm also almost done with the sauce he gave me, and now use it sparingly because I'm afraid to run out, and then my tacos will no longer be shady. They'll be... um, not shady?
So by titling this post "Shady Dan's" I'm hoping it comes up on the google search eventually, and Dan finds this post. "SHADY DAN, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER SO I CAN BUY BOXES OF YOUR HOT SAUCE!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED HELP!" mkhxbby(at)gmxil.com. If he ever emails me, I promise to send every poster on this blog their own complimentary bottle.
It’s official… Shady Dan’s is back!
I told Shady I'd find him on facebook, or I'd google him and we'd keep in touch. He told me his website wasn't up yet, and I told him that was inexcusable and would have expected it to be up by now, but alas, his Go Daddy site hasn't developed. I'm also almost done with the sauce he gave me, and now use it sparingly because I'm afraid to run out, and then my tacos will no longer be shady. They'll be... um, not shady?
king size pure cotton bed sheets
pure cotton white bed sheets
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