Why did you choose to end the album with “It’s time to put God away”?
Because it really is! And it's a culmination song. It's a time-suspending song. You have to put it at the end. Can I just say this is a great record?
This record struck me very clearly with how good it sounded. There's a calm nature to not only the sound, but the opening line. "I started out in search of ordinary things." Sometimes we revel in the abstract because of a disconnect or inability to express realistically. Those journeys may begin with a pining for normalcy, clarity, a direct path to understanding. The relativity of ordinary offers similar comforts among us.
There's a very humble way about Callahan's approach that I find comforting, and that I feel sets this record apart from most singer/songwriter efforts. It doesn't feel forced. He can relish in the weird or intrigue without being contrived. Lyrically speaking, there is great literalism.
Armpit-technically, this album should be an addition to the 21st C. Singer/Songwriter Dilemna. Looking back, it makes more sense for Eagle to be included, than Wicked Grin.
This post was spurred by the release of Callahan's newest, Apocalypse.
any thoughts on the new one?
Listened to the first side, didn't grab me like this one.
I don't think it was the same producer, which is evident in the sound. Some interesting lyrical ideas in it.
There's a very marked difference between the first and second side of Apocalypse. The second side is very rich.
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