I found some fun stuff from the back log. The only newspaper clipping I guess I've saved is "The Outsourced Brain," by David Brooks, which is from about four years ago. I used to read the printed newspaper frequently in Richmond. Pick up a copy, perhaps some Camel Lights, and then head over to that diner on Broad St. for my lunch break. Clipping articles from newspapers wasn't something I made a habit of, but I recall taking in Brooks' perspective about how technology is facilitating man's quest towards "know nothing," like phone numbers or driving routes. I didn't (don't) really participate in the full bells and whistles.
In the four years since it's publication, social media technology has evolved considerably and saturated the lives of an astounding percentage of humans. My question in this realm has always been, this supposed brain space that is "freed" by these technologies, are we using it to know other stuff that makes it all worth it?
Just the other day, I read an article (digitally) about Facebook's plans for the future. Sounds like the evolution is just beginning.
No reason to sign out, right bro?!
The real question (which Robin Hood faced) is how do I smuggle my weapons "into the system."
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