Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Smokin' Campaign Ad, Mr. Cain!

This ad gets pretty magical around the 40 second mark. I am America, one voice, united we stand... (Herman Cain then gives the creepiest creepster smile I've ever seen).

I see SNL spoofing this one in no time.

Monday, October 24, 2011

New C. of Music

I've enjoyed the Flaming Lips ever since I first heard Soft Bulletin (in 5.1 mind you). I deeply respected them after I saw Fearless Freaks. I championed them after I saw them live at the ACL Festival. And I was quite taken with them when they released Embryonic.

Since the late 90s, they've become quite a force in the popular music lexicon, always on the fringe, always intriguing, always refreshing. Upon researching their discography for a mix tape I made to honor their performance at Moog Fest in Asheville this coming weekend, I found they've been quite active in 2011. (The mix will be available on ashevillefm.org) The idea that they can encourage people to think and consume creatively is super commendable.

Check out this interesting take on one of their recent, creative releases.

Check out this press bit about their planned Halloween release.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bad as Him

Check out this very interesting NYTimes interview and review of Tom Waits's new album: Bad as Me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Old Banner

I'm feeling the October spirit and replaced the banner with an oldy-but-goody. Previous banner below.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fire is a Devil's Tool

Again, I find this nonchalantly posted on Mr. Law's facespace page, and I find it absolutely necessary to share this with the rest of you. Remember when Johnny Cash was in Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let's Get Trippy

Click Here

Effective, and fun for the entire family.
