Where was I last weekend? The Virgin Mobile Festival at the prestigious Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, MD. I went with Ryan and my good friend, Adia, and we had a total blast.
Ryan and I showed up late on Saturday, but just in time to see a Japanese Beatles cover band, followed by Chuck Berry. I have nothing but respect for Mr. Berry (yes, I know he enjoys watching people pee, but I'm over it) and he did a really good job playing the same songs he's been playing for hundreds of years. Then we caught a little bit of Wilco's set. Don't know the band, wasn't interested in the songs, barely paid attention. We ended our day watching the Foo Fighters. Definitely professional rockers, sounded great and did a great job of bringing the rock.
Sunday was the big day of the festival. We arrived somewhat early, just in time to hear a little Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. We then saw The Go! Team, very energetic, very sassy. We then made our way to the Dance Tent and saw Chromeo, a duo (guitar player/singer with a DJ) and they were much better than what I thought they'd be. Yes, I ended up shaking m'booty. After their set, we spent a lot of time screwing around; we saw skateboarding, graffiti art, roller derby girls, and chilled in the exclusive Virgin Lounge where free drinks and decent port-au-potties greeted us.
Around 3:30 we began walking to see 'Lil Wayne (aka Weezy F. Baby), my latest hip hop obsession. Like a REAL rockstar, he drew a huge crowd and kept us all waiting. The crowd is drunk and getting restless. Boos ensue. The DJ plays two songs, but no signs of 'Lil. Finally after about a half hour, he emerges and the crowd goes wild... He's like a terrible lover that you can't stop seeing: Always late, isn't concerned about your happiness, but leaves you wanting more.
Then we saw Stone Temple Pilots... Wow... Wow... They put on the BEST show. They played the hits, each musician sounded amazing, and Scott Weiland was probably the best frontman I've ever seen. I couldn't leave them, knowing the Bob Dylan was about to start on the other stage. That's right, I stood at watched STP while Dylan's set opened. I made it over there eventually though, and ugh, Bob really wasn't "bringing it." I guess he just seemed a little out of place, but it was good seeing him nonetheless.
Finally the night ended with the headliners. We saw Nine Inch Nails open up, and man, they still put on one hell of a show. Trent is v v talented, great lighting too (what would you expect?). After we got our fill, we saw some of Kanye West. Eh, he's no Weezy. I pretty much laid on the blanket, not really knowing any of his songs.
All in all, a very successful 2 days of escape and live music.
photos courtesy of The Baltimore Sun