So it's 5:30 in the morning, I just had a funny cigaro, and I'm hooked on the olympics like a good meth addiction. I watched the absolutely beautiful opening ceremonies last night (how fucking cool was it seeing Rhonaldinho walking with the Brazilians?) then woke up at 4 in the morning to this American girl having a complete meltdown on the badmitton court. Flipped over to the Universal HD channel (or CNBC) and caught a good hour of boxing, flipping over to the USA Network for the occasional equstrian stuff, and now I'm watching the US womens soccer team play. There's going to be 3,500 hours of coverage on like 7 networks and the internet! Then you throw in Phelps trying to break Mark Spitz's record of most medals in a single olympics, the "Redeem Team" being lead by The Black Mamba and King James, and what appears to be a decent American soccer squad and you've got just wall to wall excitement. So get your coffee ready and prepare to stay up late 'cause this is must see tv.
king james and black mamba both said they would leave the nba to play in europe if offered fifty million a year, which could happen
The opening ceremony's were just about the most amazing things I've ever seen in my entire fucking life. Yep, China is the future folks. Amazing show. I also caught some of the "Redeem Team" against China. They were tied, the USA got a big jump on them. Have they been winning their games?
that was there first game, they play angola tomorrow at 8, im going to watch a little of it before i go to work. if only every week day morning there was something worth getting up for besides work...the opening ceremonies was more bad ass than leon redbone's facial hair
i just saw the game is actually live at 1 a.m. tuesday
Actually the game is on right now. Came on at 8 this morning. USA is up by 30 at the moment, God these guys are good.
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