"I am an American. I love my country and have great hopes for it. It is for this reason that I speak candidly and sometimes critically about it. I have benefited greatly from the freedom that exists in my country and for this I am eternally grateful."
Who said it...
Johnny Depp
Barack Obama
Paris Hilton
Kevin Federline
You know...I wish I could say I made that up but I can't, because the GOP beat me to it. Welcome to Who Said It Celebrity Edition. Thank you GOP!
what a traveshamockery
Paris Hilton. She said it on an episode of Simple Life while drafting an exit strategy for the Iraq War... everyone knows that.
brad, i hope you're eating right. drinking plenty of water? getting plenty of rest?
Is it me or do none of the comments you have to match to the person sound all that crazy? I mean if I were a republican smearmeister I would try and pick some quotes that sounded batshit insane/tin foil hat to my base. Jus sayin...
i hear ya, think i'm starting to lose the basis of the game here. i just watched that latest "he's the one" video from mcccain's website. not only do i not believe mccain voters are capable at picking the wit out of there, but i'm not entirely sure the wit is there to begin with. am i without the proper prerequisite to read and watch this shit? hell, maybe mccain's taking one for the team . . .
I never said that...
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