Early today I read in the New York Post (read first) that a hard working man, an exterminator, was getting off work at 2am late Saturday/early Sunday in midtown Manhattan. Mr. Sanchez boarded the D train, asked a filthy homeless man to please move his shit, he's tired and needs to sit down. The homeless man:
"refused, and a cursing match quickly ensued. The victim, who stood at least 6 inches taller than the 5-foot-6 Sanchez, punched his antagonist in the face..."
Mr. Sanchez proceeded to lose his shit and stab the homeless man in the hands and neck (his carotid artery severed, he died instantly). 30 passengers in the train were horrified out of their minds. The train stopped between stations, and the passengers spent minutes

(the longest minutes of their lives) in a subway car with a stabee... and a stabber. This is what I proceeded to read in the comments:
he was responding to a physical assault by a much larger adversary. If he felt his life was in danger, which he reasonably might have, it seems like self-defense rather than "madness".
Hmmm... After a few hours I stumbled upon this article (read second). WHOA! Mr. Sanchez is a bastard! Before the altercation he, "seemed deeply disturbed,'eating something, making a mess,' a source told The Post." Ugh, I hate those people. Mr. Sanchez then "without provocation" wielded a knife in the neck of just-minding-my-own-business homeless guy, killing him instantly. WTF? People commented:
Of course he should go to jail, probably forever. But I can only read stories now and take them with a grain of salt. And this guy has never killed anyone in his life before.
I bet the armpit of a country Sanchez is from there is no subway and he would never get a seat on the bus. I bet Sanchez wished he stayed in his country. Why do immigrants come to the US to demand rights? Stay in your country
I hate the New York Post. I feel kinda terrible writing about this, because regardless of THE TRUTH, a man has been arrested to the surprise of his peers and another man died on a subway train, a train a friend and I could have been on that night (this is why I take fucking cabs at 2am on the weekends).
Man, is the New York Post a total rag! This reporting is irresponsible and really plays into the sensationalism and fears of everyday people. So am I supposed to run when someone asks me to move my bag... or should they be attacked? I assume I only stumbled upon this because Amanda brought me the book "New York Post: The Best Headlines from America's Favorite Newspaper." The cover reads "HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR."
It just a dull, yet shocking reminder that any of this stuff exists. (inhale)
1 comment:
citizen journalism: some'thing' is always better than nothing. no more slow cooking . . .
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