The university announced the policy Wednesday. It will go into effect Aug. 1.
University spokeswoman Marina Cooper said the policy states that anyone who violates the regulations will be "subject to fines and sanctions." The policy also states that visitors refusing to comply may be denied access to the school's campuses and possibly even arrested for "criminal trespass."
Smoking, which is already banned inside university buildings, will be prohibited outdoors on the 328-acre campus. The policy bans people from smoking anywhere on campus grounds, including parking lots, garages, and sidewalks. Towson University has about 21,000 students.
The policy was created on the recommendation of the university's smoke-free task force, which was established in 2007. Ms. Cooper said the group is made up of many individuals all seeking to eliminate secondhand smoke. The group includes representative of campus police, judicial affairs and student government.
"We have conducted several student forums on smoking," Ms. Cooper said. "And we have found that the majority of students pick up the habit upon college admission."
smokers are the new homosexuals
Thank God they didn't have this when I was there. How else could I have been cool?
Its kinda shocking. I wonder how hardcore it's going to be enforced?
Next they'll ban marijuana!
the ol' walkn'j just took a serious blow below the belt . . .
disappointed. I definitely picked up smoking in college, so I guess their data was right.
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