So this will be my brief attempt to recap and criticize the 2010 Grammy's, which as most years was mostly a sham. Quick disclaimer, I'm perfectly okay with the AMA's being a sham because they are voted on by the public, but seeing as the Grammy's are ran by supposed 'music experts' it's quite disdainful.
Lady Gaga and Elton John's duet: First off may I just say, am I the only one who thinks she's WAY overrated? I mean sure she's out there and different and has a decent voice, but there's no there there. And bringing out another gay icon, putting soot on your face, and dressing like a super heroine with flashy sideboob while playing piano doesn't make you any better, it just proves that you're trying way too hard.
Colbert and the iPad: They really should have made him the host as it would've given some sort of entertainment value to the whole show. Also, what an attractive daughter he has.
Green Day from Dookie to RockOpera: What a fall from grace...these guys are so painfully self important, it's like a punk version of Bono except without all the talent.
Leonard Cohen's Lifetime Achievement: Continuing the trend of Hallelujah suddenly being super cool and overplayed, Cohen got his lifetime achievement award.
Taylor Swift and the Takeover: Taylor Swift took over the Grammy's, which actually seems pretty fitting. Good voice, good self written songs, plays the guitar, young pretty face, easy to see why she's become so big.
Beyonce: Still not a fan but I can appreciate talent. However her coming out with the SWAT team while she does her best fake "I'm tough and marching" schtick is so passe' by this point.
Pink and the Cirque de Soleil: Watching Pink suspend her self from a wet blanket hanging from the ceiling and play chandelier while singing made me miss the days where she just showed up drunk and sang songs while standing on the ground.
Black Eyed Future: No real thoughts on the Black Eyed Peas "welcome to the future" performance except to say that "I Gotta Feeling" is one catchy ass beat. Terrible lyrics, but an ear worm of a tune.
Lady Antebellium: FINALLY some real music here. Lady Antebellium's "I Need You Now" is seriously the best thing I've heard on country radio in years, find it and listen to it! And they're performing the song by *gasp* standing there and playing instruments and singing. I can imagine someone showing up to Grammy practice and a producer says something like "I have this outlandish idea where we have Transformers behind you or suspend you from the ceiling or dress you up like a fucking idiot while you do your song", and then someone like this says "I have a crazy idea, how about we just stand there and play our song" *silence* then the producer says "I don't know, that's pretty out there".
Colbert Christmas Wins: Colbert's Christmas album wins for best comedy album and Colbert gives the quote of the night..."This is a Christmas album so obviously I should think Jesus Christ for having such a great birthday".
KOL Wins: Real music wins! Real music wins! Kings of Leon's 'Use Somebody' won for Record of the Year, I didn't see that one coming. Kudos to good music.
MJ Returns (sort of): They play Michael Jackson's post-death release 'The Earth Song' while Usher, Hudson, Underwood, Dion, and Smokey sing along. Two things I take from this...Michael Jackson even in his about to die stages could outsing every single person at the Grammy's, and secondly, Jennifer Hudson is the best female singer in the world, period. And for anyone who hasn't seen 'This is It' I highly recommend watching it...Oh, and Lionel Richie spotting! But no Blanket.
The Jov: Bon Jovi does Living on a Prayer which makes me long for Guitar Hero. Good tune though, but I am partial to vocoders (long live Roger Troutman!)
Bocelli and Blige: Could've passed on the Mary J but hearing Andre Bocelli belt out 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' was an absolute treat.
Lady Gaga goes Lady Liberty: Quick shot to the crowd and Lady Gaga is dressed like the Statue of Liberty. Guess her birds next look from the MTV awards is so 2009 now so she had to switch it up.
Dave Matthews: Dave with horns and strings and an amazing performance. I wish the Grammy's had more of this stuff. Although I must admit, when I see him perform now I think he's autistic...I just can't get his role from that episode of House out of my mind. I keep waiting for him to bang his fingers on the piano till they break so Hugh Laurie can come save the day.
Beck on Paul: Jeff Beck comes out and plays his Les Paul in honor of the fallen Les Paul. Pretty much speaks for its self.
Tarantino intros Lil Wayne: What a couple! Good performance as well. And I know Eminim and some kid named Drake are on stage as well, but Weezy is eating them alive. I even think his shirt says "listen to lil wayne", how cool.
And Album of the Year goes to: Taylor Swift for 'Fearless'. Expected and deserved in the context of the nominees. I mean sure I would've given it to The Animal Collective's "Merriweather Post Pavillion", Springsteen's "Working on a Dream", Wilco's "Wilco (the album)", Morrissey's "Years of Refusal", or The Flaming Lips "Embryonic" but beggers can't be choosers right?
All in all...another Grammy's come, another Grammy's gone, and as always one thing is consistent....massive disapointment!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this recap. Obviously I have to disagree in some points, but thanks for sharing my friend.
Disagree in some points? So I take it you were a fan of the Statue of Liberty look?j/k
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