"Many nights have dwindled by..." as I've sat, sometimes by my lonesome, sometimes with nonlistening ears, and every once in a while with understanding ones, debating the merits and trying to understand...why. Though I guess it is rather obvious and I'm just unwilling to participate. Since basically the Strokes, though this movement has deeper and more complex roots, indie rock and pop has drifted into the mainstream. [I say this because yes, independent music has existed and been formalized for longer than 9 years, but, the term reared it's head more commercially as of late. I'm not even sure it's applicable anymore.] They've even got a few blogs.
Many people indulge in the now and celebrate it's existence and our fortune for "being here". I've always been suspicious, though I feel it's because my roots and taste are of a different complexity. The integrity is being debated, and by NPR nonetheless:
I just hate that Indie has gone from being short form for Independent and become a sound. You can be signed to Capitol records and be an "indie" band, which just seems odd. I love a lot of the quote un quote indie bands, I do, but a lot of these indie bands now a days just seem paper thin and like they lack the substance. I've yet to find many if any "indie" bands over the last couple of years that were in the same class with Modest Mouse, Wilco, The Strokes, Spoon, or The Animal Collective.
And on an unrelated note....who is that broad in the picture as I think I'm in love with her, or at least infatuated. She looks soooo indie!
Of course you love her
Although she could be better if we're nitpicking. Replace that VU shirt with a Ryan Adams tee and switch those white shades for a pair of aviators, then throw a vintage leather jacket on her and more of a tan...now that'd be a small bit of heaven! I don't think women fully appreciate the awesomeness that comes from a nice set of aviators on their face.
I hate each of the people on that podcast for various arrogances, except for the caller who says, "It's just fun music!"
If there's one thing I don't care about in music or movies or art in general it's "integrity." I liked Avatar and I liked There Will Be Blood. I like HotPockets and I like handmade bread. I like KISS and I like Dylan and Stephen King and Philip Roth and van Goghs and Campbells soup cans, etc.
I do prefer Levis over Old Navy jeans, though. Is it because they've got a connection to history and I know they will last longer and not just fade away and fall apart in the wash? Yes.
That should be the goal, maybe. Durability, not integrity.
I'm with you on the jeans front my friend, but I have to disagree on the art front...though pondering the state of the Art Community if it was only based on whether or not someone deemed it "fun" is interesting.
To be commercial is not to lack integrity. I just like that the debate exists.
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