This 'plagiarism' attack is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Obama borrowed some lines from a close friend and campaign adviser Deval Patrick, so the Clinton camp saw this as a 'gotcha' moment, and has come out swinging. Now this wouldn't be that big a deal except this tactic once derailed Joe Biden's run at president, only difference is he borrowed the lines from some British politician without permission and he also borrowed some elements of his life story to adopt as his own so that one was a little worse I guess but either way it's just dumb. Now the Clinton camp has come out and said "Sen. Obama is running on the strength of his rhetoric and the strength of his promises and, as we have seen in the last couple of days, he's breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn't his own." Just a few days ago words were 'cheap' as Clinton said, but today they are apparently so important to them. So with that said I now present to you the counter argument, Mark Halperin of TIME (not to be confused with Morris Day and the Tyme) has noted six occasions where Hillary has stolen Obama's lines, SIX! And,,,now they've accused him of ripping off George Bush's theme song because Obama plays Brooks and Dunn's "Only in America" after his rallies. God, this is almost as bad as her recent 'we've had 18 debates with 2 more coming up in 15 days but Barack wont debate us' ad.
OK, this is DEFINITELY PLAGIARISM. I don't care how you see it - and I don't think it's a big deal - but fact of the matter is, he took one politician's well-crafted idea and used it as if were his own. I don't care that they were friends. He's passing off somebody else's witticism as his own and it's dishonest.
And calling her a bitch (and apparently meaning it) is the dumbest fucking attack I've ever seen.
This primary is not about good vs. evil, dude.
You know I used to be a huge fan of Bill and Hillary but I've just lost so much respect for her. It's the way she's run her campaign which I think is a direct reflection of how her presidency would be. She's cried 3 times the day before a primary, she diminishes Obama's victories by saying 'they're red states so they dont count' or 'it's a caucus' or by having her husband say that 'jessie jackson won here' and blaming it on the black vote, she accuses Obama of plagiarism when there's video of her ripping off Obama, tried to have David Schuster fired for one dumb remark on tv, tried to get Chris Matthews in trouble for being hard on her, her surrogates have accused Obama of selling cocaine, accused him of being a Muslim, her husband played the race card so bad that now Hillary gets less black vote than Barry Goldwater, sent out a mailer accusing him of being against abortion rights, she signed a pledge saying Michigan and Florida's delegates wouldn't count and now is trying to seat those delegates; and when I factor all that together it leads me to believe she's an evil bitch whom will do anything at all to win. You're right, this isn't good vs evil, but it damn sure feels like it at times.
I'm just not sure if the play by play matters...there's soooooo many people out there that just straight up don't give a fuck but will still go into the voting booth in November and check a name. And don't get me wrong, I think people should be informed, but the everyday musings of a politician trying to inspire some people in a hotel conference room or school gymnasium doesn't seem very glamorous, let along consequential. I'm still wondering when my internet, cable, telephone, health care will be free, where I can grab some of those 18 million dollars that are being spent per hour...for the war.
Having assessed the situation the best I can, I can see both sides of the argument. Ryan makes a very good point, that yes, by the definition of plagiarism, Obama is plagiarizing someone else. Also, yes, by criticizing the Clinton camp by calling Hill "bitch" is fueling the same flame of negativity that you're trying to stand against. Honestly I wish the contest was over so we could unite against McCain.... STILL at least Bush will be gone, can I get a hells yeah?
You know Matt I'm against partisan hating, like I'd never hate a Republican for being a Republican or a Democrat for being a Democrat, and I can find good qualities in even the folks I disagree with. But with Hillary I just cant get this hate out of my heart for her. And I read all her policy statements and listen to her speeches and try to give myself a chance to hear her message, but I just cant stop hating and distrusting her. Also she voted for the war and that still hangs with me. I would honestly vote for Bush 43 over Hillary.
Bush 43 over Hillary? "Also she voted for the war and that still hangs with me." Who started the war?
I agree that Brad's not making sense, Matt. That's because he's voting with his heart instead of his head. If he was thinking, then he'd realize that of the two candidates running for the Democratic nomination, only one has a health care plan that insures every American, has decades more experience in shaping public policy, and is the wife of the best president we've seen in our lifetimes.
If he was thinking, then he'd realize that this is a political campaign, and that in a campaign both sides try to point out unflattering things about their opponent, whether it's in a straightforward way, or in a backhanded way like saying she's "likable enough".
If he was thinking, he'd realize that sometimes people say innocent things that are taken the wrong way, whether it's Michelle Obama saying "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country" or Bill Clinton stating the fact that black candidates have a history of winning South Carolina.
You can tell he's not thinking because if he was, he'd realize how much of a woman-hater he comes off as when he says that Hillary's a bitch because she's deeply offended at the notion of pimping out her daughter. That she's an evil bitch because she challenges people she sees as being unfair.
You can tell he's not thinking because in an decision between two candidates with similar stances on the issues, he's not picking the candidate with more experience, he's not picking the candidate with a stronger staff, he's not picking the candidate who's a proven fighter, who will stop at nothing to see the change she envisions. He's picking a candidate he thinks is a nice guy. Which is exactly what the people voting for George W. Bush thought. Both times.
Brad might have hate in his heart for Hillary, but if you use your head, then it's impossible to vote for anybody but her.
Ryan, next comment, please tell us what you really think. Here's an interesting article I found:
I will admit, this is a strong vote from my heart, but even if I was using my head I'd vote for Obama. My head tells me that she is the more divisive candidate therefore standing less of a chance of getting elected or of getting legislation passed. My head tells me that trying to mandate healthcare, basically going after peoples wages who choose not to buy it, will not get through the congress. My head tells me that one person speaks in "I" while the other speaks in "We". And my head tells me that Hillary voted with McCain on the war so therefore she cant create the same distinction as Barack Obama can.
Also my head tells me that experience isn't everything. If we were going for experience then it should be down to Biden vs. Dodd. Sometimes it takes a fresh face to come in and change things, an outsider looking in. The Beatles were inexperienced when they showed up on the block, Tarantino worked in a movie store before he made Reservoir Dogs, and Abe Lincoln served two years in the congress before he was elected. Besides, Obama has more years in elected office than Hillary does anyways.
But most importantly my head tells me that voting your head isn't always the best idea. A president isn't a policy wonk that sits in the Oval Office and writes legislation all day. They are a statesman, the face of our country to the world, someone whom is going to be in your living room for the next 4 years, someone you have to trust, and someone who is there to inspire the country. And when I think who I want representing our country, and when I think of who I'd rather listen to in speeches and Presidential addresses, when I think of who I trust, and when I think of who can actually inspire me it all leads me to vote for Obama.
I think you both have respectable heads and hearts
I do honestly respect both arguements. Touche both of you. I HONESTLY would vote for either Clinton or Obama.
wow . . . looked like a juicy tuesday. regardless, i suggest saving "bitch" for real life, you may need it one day. secondly, thinking (or making the barest of decisions) with your "heart," which again is impossible, embarrasses me. feelings are a quick sell, man. show me one that matters.
also, those supposed "word" verifications are fucking hard! more like "gibberish-de-gibberizers."
My head my heart and my gut all tell me to vote for Obama so how can I not listen. I do however enjoy the discourse on this blog. What a great place to share concepts, thoughts, and random pop culture.
I definitely agree with you there, Brad. And unless video of Barack peeing on an under-age girl surfaces (WHICH IT WILL) it looks like he's well on his way to the White House, so congrats.
And I'm fine with that. Not happy or proud or satisfied, obviously, but fine.
As Ozzy once sang, "Maybe it's not too late / to learn how to love / and forget how to [hold] hate [in your heart for Hillary Clinton.]"
Peace be with you.
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