Why now? GOOD POINT! (God, I could really go for a cig) Actually why not now? Here's a short list of compelling reasons why I should quit:
#1. Cigarettes are bad for you, causing loss of life in extremely unhappy, premature ways.
#2. It's taking it's toll. I wheeze, cough, spit, and wrinkle. A certain amount of dye has been cast, but they say it's never too late.
#3. Cigarettes cost way too much in New York City. I'd say on average I pay $7.75. I have cut down since moving here, but only to about half a pack a day. That's still $116/month and $1400/year.
#4. My grandfather died of lung cancer when I was little, and I had a front row seat.
#5. New York has crazy, fucked up anti-smoking commercials that really do scare the living shit out of me. I'm talking about the ones with these mean, vindictive doctors explaining how they're going to have to cut out your tongue or you feet because the smoke has rotted them away. I'm not the only one they terrify.
So this is my short list on why it's time to quit. Plus I heard you get fat once you quit, so I'm looking forward to that. Since I know I can't stop smoking unless I stop drinking, I've also agreed to stop drinking for the rest of the month. I figure my little "detox" will do my body good and be a nice lesson in self-control. Will I never smoke another cigarette again? I'm sure I'll squeeze (and pound) another one or so in there somehow, but hopefully I will never be a habitual user again.
Good luck my friend. It's been a long and very weird Year And One Month in my personal smoking hiatus.
As someone who got sick and quit smoking for 30 days and then resumed smoking after no longer feeling sick, I want to wish you luck but also say that cigarettes feel so good.
Valid point, Ryan. My body says "yes," but my mind says, "no."
I don't think I like what's going on here!
You are such a health nut!
And I can't wait for Fatt Hobby, I bet he will give me a lot more bear hugs.
well whenever you need a break we got 'em half price down here. fighting too! are we the last 10-2 state on the coast? the brown states are dwindling!
great list by the way, tough argument.
I live in Carolina so for the benefit of our economy I say you go along with ole' R.J. and keep puffing. But if you do put on the pounds then you have to go ahead and grow the full beard to go with it.
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