All right, folks, pack up the tents and roll up the cots: it's all over. There is one American more American than any other American and that American is Roseanne Conner. She stood up to Fred Thompson and organized the labor at Wellman Plastics, she burnt a motorcycle shop to the ground to collect the insurance money, she worked the counter at Rodbell's and steamed the loose meat at the Lanford Lunchbox and now she's endorsing a candidate. Well, she's not but Roseanne Barr is ALMOST Roseanne Conner and Roseanne Barr has broken her silence and endorsed a candidate:
When I fly in an airplane I want the pilot with the most experience, not the one who can inspire hope in me that I get to where I am going. When I pay my taxes, I want the person filing them to be experienced, not the new person who inspires hope in me that he can do the job. When I hire someone to fix my washing machine, I want the tried and true experienced person, not the one who inspires me to hope that he can fix it. When I go to the doctor I do not want to get the one who inspires hope in me that s/he can cure what's wrong, but the one who knows what the hell to do the minute I call. It's not really the job of a public servant to inspire, but to get the job that the people demand done. The democrats think that if they have hope and are inspired things will get better, but they actually won't. When Oprah makes her employees sign her fifty page non-disclosure statement, she doesn't "hope" they can't break it, she pays teams of experienced lawyers to MAKE SURE they can't break it, or be sued in an experienced court by an experienced judge. [source]
Sure, her analogies aren't the tightest and she clearly has some sort of grudge on Oprah, but Goddammit if this doesn't reaffirm that I've picked the best candidate in all this mess. Then again, maybe it's just that I love reruns.
I must admit, I do love her stand up.
I must admit, Ryan does love Roseanne reruns. Who doesn't? I do disagree with Rosey's statement that a public servant's job isn't to inspire. Honestly, if anything, I think being the president of the United States is mostly about being a cheerleader... we're just not used to seeing it, it's been so long.
I've heard many pundits mention that Hillary is running for George Bush's job, and that the American people don't want to fill that job. They want to hire someone whose going to be more of a leader than a manager.
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