So we've skirted the political issues for a while now, but as a way of wrapping up primary season I thought I'd share this email exchange between myself, Matt and a friend of ours, Amanda. Matt and Amanda, as you will see, support Barack and I supported Hillary.
"matt" to me, Amanda
show details Jun 4 (1 day ago)
More and more I wish Hillary would have just bowed out gracefully last night. Instead she kept up her "fuzzy math" of claiming to have more popular votes, denying Obama the satisfaction of winning the amount of delegates needed to become the Democratic nominee. Couldn't it have been HIS night? And her reach for VP? Disgusting. Obama should never offer her the position; how on earth are we supposed to have CHANGE with a CLINTON on the ticket?
"Ryan" to Matt, Amanda
Jun 4 (23 hours ago)
As Barack Obama so eloquently stated in his speech last night, Hillary
Clinton has dedicated her entire life to helping people and has, in
turn, helped him become a stronger candidate. It's cruel to say that
Hillary has denied anyone anything when she and her supporters have
worked just as hard and received nearly the same amount of votes and
pledged delegates. She and her supporters deserve the opportunity to
celebrate the historic progress they made after working so hard for 17
months. Why should last night have been any one person's night? Both
campaigns had the right to celebrate, thank their supporters, recap
their victories on the campaign trail and talk about their plans for
the future: especially in a race as close as this one was.
People have been saying for months that Hillary acts as if she were
"entitled" to the Presidency. While I don't agree, it seems that the
Obama camp are now the ones who should be wary of acting "entitled."
Entitled to a nomination that they didn't receive enough pledged
delegates to earn; entitled to the votes of the Hillary Clinton
supporters who Barack seems to look down his nose at, calls "bitter"
and implies are racist; entitled to a victory over John McCain on the
basis of his support for Bush's policies. If Barack Obama does not
begin to take Hillary's voters seriously he will not win in the
general election. Voters who value experience over novelty and wisdom
over rhetoric.
Hillary has not been "reaching" for vice president -- she has been
reaching for President. Now that that journey is over, it seems she
would be willing to accept the office of VP if it's offered, not out
of a grab for power but because that is the type of gesture it will
take to keep many of Hillary's supporters who have been maligned by
Barack Obama from abandoning the party for McCain.
As a college-educated young person living in New York City, I think
Barack Obama will do an excellent job representing my values and
beliefs in Washington, DC and I plan to support him in his race for
President. But I also understand why democrats like my Grandmom
Hillary and Uncle Rusty back home in rural Maryland would be reluctant
to vote for a man who doesn't seem to understand them. Uncle Rusty has
guns because he hunts and he wants to protect his family, not because
he's bitter or wants to keep minority troublemakers off his property
and Grandmom Hillary goes to church for the community and the social
support, not for the gay-bashing or wait-til-marriage sex sermons.
Barack goes, or went, to his church for the same good reasons --
but if Barack can't understand her reasons, then how can my grandma
be expected to understand his reasons for attending a church that
seems to endorse such extreme anti-American, anti-Hillary rhetoric?
Hillary Clinton just wants to continue doing what she's always done --
helping people who need it. Right now, Barack Obama needs it.
"Amanda" to me, Matt
Jun 4 (22 hours ago)
Ryan, please don't ruin our unity with your offensively ignorant and seddenlingy impertinant rhetoric. Let it go.
If you are bored and need something political to think about, start brain-storming snacks for Friday night's party.
I will try hard to forget you ever sent this e-mail.
Thank you and si se puede.
Matt to me, Amanda
Jun 4 (22 hours ago)
Mr. Williams,
You sound just as delusional as Hillary. I think Hillary supporters need to get off their low-horses and support THE DEMOCRAT. I honestly am not worried at all about Hillary's supporters jumping ship and voting for old man McCain. If they want to overturn Roe V Wade, continuing losing health insurance, and stay in Iraq until our dollars really aren't worth anything, then I hope they go ahead and vote against their interests - for John McCain. Each vote for McCain is a prayer for the death of America.
"Ryan" to Matt, Amanda
Jun 4 (21 hours ago)
You have more faith in the American people than I do. The last time they were given the choice between a war-mongering idiot with folksy values and an elitist snob running on change and new ideas they went with the war-mongerer. I am referring of course to David Cook's American Idol victory over David Archuleta.
"Ryan" to Amanda, Matt
Jun 4 (19 hours ago)
Ok, so far I have:
Barack-y Road Ice Cream
Barack-topus Sushi
Yes We Cranberry & Vodka on the Ba-rocks
"Grains We Can Believe In" oatmeal cookies or trail mix
Potatos au Bama
Barack O-Jamba Juice
Yes We Candied apples
Stir-fry cooked in a Ba-wok
Michelles and Cheese