Head's up! Everyone's favorite troubadour, Bobby "It Ain't Me, Babe" Dylan is coming to Brooklyn, NY (Prospect Park) on Tuesday, August 12th. I already have my ticket! Tickets officially go on sale 6/30 at noon; however, insider sources have discovered the Fan Club Internet PreSale password is: tilden
-here Neil Young is making an electric car, and it's only cost him $120,000 so far to make it. Given current gas prices, it should pay for itself in a matter of months.
-here Cigarettes cost more than ever in NYC. Thank goodness I gave that up!
-here Forty years ago today some crazy bitch shot Andy Warhol. The LATimes wants to make her a prophet, since men really are no longer necessary.
I saw an ad for a cigarette stuffing machine like the one Xin used to have only a bit cooler that made me want to start up again. Roll 8 cigarettes for a night out, limit myself to those, spend 3 cents on each one.
Too expensive, sorry Bob
Yeah, it's hella expensive, but it's been years since I've seen Bobbo. I'm hoping he has a special guest or something, maybe Ryan Adams?
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