I've spoken to him a handful of times since he left, and he's having a total blast. From his calculations he manages to put in 60-70 miles on the road a day. If money weren't an issue, I think he'd never get off that bike. From what I've heard he's been treated kindly everywhere he's gone, almost like a mini-celebrity, and he really appreciates his increased exposure to Americaness... He's been to little county fairs where people running for mayor ask him for his official endorsement and take pictures of him for their tiny Podunk weekly paper... He's basically like Forrest Gump on a bike. I'm sure his fast talkin' charm serves him well.
Of course his story is best told by him, but I felt a little update was due. Have a great weekend everybody!
awesome recap! keep us posted, lotta funny images pop in the head with "forest gump on wheels," esp shahab . . .
man's got balls...speaking of, how are they, literally?
I asked him how he was doing physically and he's said he's lost a little weigh and his legs are VERY strong.
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