My favorite blog (besides this one, obvs), Gawker, took the pleasure of listing their Modern Eccentrics: The Top 50. I haven't seen or heard of a lot of these people, but I'm sure they're legit weirdos doing their thing in New York City... and more power to 'em. A sample:

brawny man who walks the city shirtless, often in military-style cargo pants and a black choker.
More at Find He-Man.
I admire their dedication to character, and their total lack of giving a fuck. I mean, why look like a total weirdo in public? Just to get stared at? Why not?!?!
If you could spend some full-time commitment being an eccentric, what kinda eccentric would you want to be?
Hahaaaaaaaa...oh dear, eccentricity. Your last question posted to us is making my mind spin too quickly...tbd.
well, i'd probably walk down the street very fast with a hat on top my head, read aloud with a presidential claim to victory, and flick off every car that drives by.
I think I'd want to dress like a vampire or zombie, proclaiming the end of the earth everywhere I do. There'd be fake blood and everything.
you should come to asheville for halloween. all the crazies get together, dress as zombies and terrorize town. the white-sneakered segway tours just don't know what to do!
which leads to another ponder: who's fruitier? the wide-eyed floridian nutbags touring all five blocks of our town on segways, or the bubbly 20-something guiding them in a fluorescent life jacket and khaki pleats?
The Floridians. They khaki pleats man is just trying to make a dollar outta fitteen cent.
It's always cool to see ultra specific ethnicity, like Muslims in NY, or Indians in Okie, etc
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