Does anybody else on here watch FOX news? I mean I could just stop my blog post at that point alone but seriously, has anybody else on here been watching this shit? Well whether you have or not I thought I'd take a moment to share with you some of the things I've 'learned' in the last two hours alone.
First off, questioning McCain's military service is out of bounds (got that General Clark?), but accusing John Kerry of shooting himself to earn a purple heart is okay. And what's the difference you may ask, well according to Andrea Tanteros and Ollie North, John Kerry criticized the Vietnam war when he got home, which makes him something between a traitor and the French candidate for president; where as John McCain still to this day supports the Vietnam war so therefore it's hands off.
Secondly, Barack Obama (or Barry as I like to call him), is a "phony" when it comes to his Christianity. Now I was already aware that only Republicans were alowed to be Christians, you know with Jesus being the former head of the Messopotamia faction of the GOP and all, but apparently Barry isn't allowed to propose any faith based initiatives because "Evangelicals smell a fake a mile away". Oh and the fact that Obama is an evangelical himself doesn't count because Christians "only vote on gay marriage and abortion". Apparently they've moved away from the peace and poverty platform that Jesus ran on, hell with a name like that it wouldn't surprise me if they deported him already.
Thirdly and fortunately finally, coal and gas are good for ours and the Earth's health because "those who have coal and oil are wealthy. And wealthy is healthy, healthy is wealthy" so says some man that looks like a glasses-less version of Eric Cantor (Cantor by the way might be the biggest jackass in all the GOP, and he's the congressman for Richmond, disgrace). And in a related point Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is something akin to a San Francisco Liberal (which in republican eyes puts him on the same level with the man who cancelled Touched By an Angel) because he said that coal and oil are "making us sick".
Well, that's all the 'learnin' for now folks. I hope you all now feel as misinformed as I do!
I do watch Fox News, mostly for entertainment value. If only the rest of America understood Rupert Murdock's idea of "news" is actually gossip and infotainment all to get ratings (hell, we both watch!). Honestly, I don't blame Fox News as much as I blame the American people who think it's "fair and balanced."
funny recap, thanks for that. i snag our local from time to time, which is ABC and just as dreamlike, maybe a little more vacant.
in terms of who's to blame, i think you gotta blame the liars. we're too fat to try so hard, let alone to pass on the more convenient "truth."
i also (quietly) blame the entertainment seekers. take no offense, please, but you said so yourself, 'em dollars spent on YOU! just showing up is MUCH more than half the battle.
The "Touched By An Angel" line was really great too!
wow! that's excruciating. now, i'm thinking maybe the "believers" are too blame. you'd think they got ex-BMM staffers back there . . . laughing there ass off.
It is sad to think that people turn to News channels for some sort of answer...I guess it's even sadder that those channels can't deliver.
New anchors should only be able to report the news if (a) they are geniuses or (b) they are showing their breasts.
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