So I just came back from dragging on a left handed cigarette, hurray, and Mr Obama is speaking from Fairfax, VA. I know this because he sent out a bulletin on Myspace to everyone on his friends list. And he's hitting on the economy, real specific proposals, speaking to a womans only audience, and he's getting fired up again like he was early in the primaries. Talking about keeping taxes low for middle and lower income folk, cutting taxes for small business owners, providing Universal Healthcare, getting women equal pay at the work place. He's telling these women that if they get out there and knock on some doors, get out the vote, then we can win this election, and these people are eating it up. He was with Hillary in New York last night raising money to help pay her debt off, they had a breakfast this morning with some female supporters, and his wife is in Missouri talking to middle aged white ladies.McCain is floundering and Obama's out there adding women to his movement. He already had blacks, young folk, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, and the "Starbucks crowd" as they call them. He just added Hispanics and Jews 3 weeks ago, and now he's adding in white women. And McCain's getting plastered for his top economic advisor, Phil Gramm, calling Americans a "nation of whiners". And John McCain just went on the television and said he wants to make the guy ambassador to Bellarus, which was a pathetic attempt at humor. Bellarus is where Chernobyl happened, it's still radioactively poisionous, weird sh!t grows there, it's like the end of the world. So then Obama comes out and does a Chris Rock style routine ragging on McCain comparing him to Dr. Phil (a retort to McCain calling him Dr. No), all a day after the Rev Jesse Jackson talked about castrating him....this stuff is great!
Such drama. The Jesse Jackson whispers on Fox News... wow, he should have known better that to have a "private conversation" while being mic'd for Fox News... If I were Jesse, I'd be on my A-game ready to destroy their rhetorical spin with ninja words of virtue... Oh well, happens to the best of us...
Left-handed cigarettes are just weird
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