Bill O'Reilly expresses his feelings on the Wall Street rescue package. And, I kinda agree with him.
"Most talk radio is conservative dominated ideologues, or kool-aid drinking idiots. Idiots. Screaming at you "This is socialism, this is this this is that""It's Clintons fault, it's Clinton's fault." It's Clinton's fault? Clinton hasn't been in office in 8 years.
It's Bush's fault, it happened on Bush's watch. He could've prevented this. He could've gone easily and said Merrill Lynch is dealing in bad paper he could've said that.Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac they're dealing in bad paper, so you the investor, don't invest in those companies. You think they would've continued to deal in bad paper? No they would not!
But let's get back to this talk radio stuff. These idiots are misleading you they're lying to you They're rich, these guys, Big cigars, all of that! Private jets, "Oh yeah, my private jet!"And they're saying "No bailout, no no uh uh no way"Hey! You're going to get it, not them. That foreign investment pulls out, we are toast. And they'll pull out if that bailout doesn't happen. Are you getting the message here? Walk away from these liars, these right wing liars. Walk away from them, they're not looking out for you!
I don't even want to talk about the far left Barney Frank? Disgusting! Pointing fingers? It's you you big fat toad, YOU!Frank!You!Dodd, sittin' there [incomprehensible impression of Dodd] It's you Dodd, you! You knew! I swear to god, if they were in this room right now, I would hit them. Dodd and FrankThe house finance and senate finance. They knew!
Don't point a finger at anybody, I'll break that finger off! So you got corruption on the right, and corruption on the left. And who gets it? You get it, you, the hardworking person
The next politician that gets up their and points a finger, I'm go after them myself Shut up! Fix it! These are people's livesI got enough money in the bank. Unless a bank fails, I'm fine. But you're probably not fine. I'm lucky.
I'm tired of these charlatans on both sides. Lying to you, because they're ideological kool-aid drinkers or corrupt toadsAnd I'm talkin to you Barney FrankWho's the guy who was saying, "If you don't lend money to poor people you're a bigot"Who was saying that barney, WHO?![pause] I gotta take a break."
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