At about 3:25am at the 1st Ave. and 14th St. L Train subway stop, I walk down the stairs to get on the train. Just like a normal person, wearing a hoody, listening to the Misfits on my iPod. You know me, normal person...
I walk next to people waiting on the platform. We're all here for the same fuckin' reason. We don't have cars and need to get to Brooklyn, goddammit! "I'm going east, young man." Anyways... People are standing around in crowds and solo, but I see this "hipsteresque" (I don't want to go full fleged "hipster" ....... nevermind, she was totes v v hip; she was a "getting-on-the-subway-with-a-bike hipster") girl SMOKING A FUCKING CIGARETTE ON THE SUBWAY PLATFORM!
WOW! Couldn't wait to smoke. Had to smoke it right there, huh? Clever.
I make eye-contact with her. I see the barely-there cigarette butt waving in her right hand above her head. I have a split second to give her a smile of approval. JESUS, YOU'VE GOTTA LOT OF NERVE. For some reason, smoking on the subway platform, UNDERGROUND, seems like a capital crime. Not because I want it to be, but just because it is... To put things in perspective...

(I've seen people peeing on the platform, I've heard stories of homeless dudes whipping their dicks out in front of chicks. I image exposing oneself doesn't come without a dash of "I don't give a fuck!" And oddly enough, I think that's an understatement. Who doesn't "not give a fuck" these days? Whipping out your privates in front of stangers takes a different breed indeed.... back to the smoking girl...)
(it is...) doing something blatantly wrong. There's no smoking on the platform, just like there's no smoking in church, you know? Never seen it done. AND SHE WAS DOING IT... She looked so cool. I wanted to be her, just not giving a fuck, confident as all hell... Telling any of the 8 million strangers in the City, "I'm smoking a cigarette somewhere I'm not supposed to. Bloomberg be damned!" So I walk on by, to the middle of the block-long walkway.
I light up.
Delicious. I've been smoking Parliment Lights lately (never while waiting for the subway though, it felt good). Camel switched up the flavor on their cigs a couple months back. No idea why... My own conspiracy theory thinks the government was cracking down on cigs with extraordinary amounts of nicotine, and

(and my girlfriend smokes Parliment Lights)
I admit I looked left and right more than twice in the four minute timespan that it took me to finish (pound the cig). If a Cop was walking my way, I'd probably shit myself (BUSTED!), and then I guess wait to get shot... I heard NYPD never hesitates. Or maybe they'd consider me a terrorist and send me to Cuba for torture, leave me outside in an orange jumper, sweating while blindfolded, dogs barking in my face while I promise to never smoke underground, in public spaces no less, ever again.
Actually I got away with it. Most didn't notice. Someone walked by and said something to me, but I had my headphones up pretty loud; after the Misfits I listened to Bob Dylan's "Self Portrait."
You'll just lay there by the juniper while the moon is bright
Watch them jugs a-filling in the pale moonlight.
I start thinking how I need to talk to this girl. I walk up to her... she's listening to headphones, but peals them off her ears when I stop walking, directly in front of her.
"Were you smoking earlier?" Maybe I have the wrong girl.
"Because I think I saw you smoking earlier, and that's so badass! I've never seem someone smoke underground, on the platform before." She's smiling and I'm convinced she's friendly for someone talking to a stranger.
"Well, the sign said the train wasn't coming for 19 minutes! What was I supposed to do?" Sounding proud of her disobedience. I hear the train coming. She stands.
"You inspired me to smoke a cigarette too," I say hurriedly. She looks bewildered, maybe she misheard me. "I just smoked a cigarette over there," I clarified, pointing right.
"Yeah. It's just a fucking cigarette." The trains approaching, screeching, stopping... and she's about to get on. I tell her to have a nice night and get on a seperate subway car.
2 more stops.

You're a loner, Dottie. A rebel.
I actually don't see any problems with this. I remember my first trip to the big appple, I lit one up on the platform with no adherence to any sort of logic whatsoever. Of course it was probably my first trip underground anyway. This was a few years ago, so I'm not sure if the laws were different then. I do really appreciate you dramatizing the whole ordeal, your portrayal of a female brooklynite seems wildly accurate and I respect you for outing yourself for smoking P-Funks (I brought it up at Trophy, remember?). I personally would be smoking American Spirits at this point - but I'm not, I'm a quitter - and God Forsake Camel for fucking with the formula, that's what He did to Brian Wilson - even though it turned out to be beautiful, although I somehow think Pet Sounds is a irrational comparison to the new Camel Lights.
"Build you a fire with Hickory, Hickory, Ash and Oak."
Glad you liked the dramatazation, it was a fun creative writing exercise (though it did happen). I'd like to do more (and see more) of it on the blog.
I did see the classic, "couple running for subway and only one makes it through the doors as they were closing" scenario the other day. The girl hopped on the subway right as the doors shut and kind of peered downward with a slight smile, then turned around and yelled, "oh, no" while banging on the glass. Then they both smiled and mumbled something at the same time, I assume about meeting at the next stop.
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