Frothing at the mouth, she looked puzzled, shaking her head while clutching the American flag tighter. Baxter continued, somewhat nervous of her twitching, but eager to make his point. "I have about a hundred thoughts on the matter, but what do I know what I'm talking about?" Baxter instantaneously realized the old shit's changed. Sometimes it takes takes This American Life... to
"Don't be such a pussy!," she grunted. Pointing her finger and looking him straight in the eye, she screamed...
"I don't give a fuck what you're talking about. I've never been to New York City!"
Turn to the camera and show them who's boss... what's the worst that can happen?

Jesus wept.
I'd hit that but I wouldn't vote for it...
No you wouldn't, Kevin.
I would in a world where (RIP Don LaFontaine)the only choices were the 4 competing for the whitehouse...
I mean she does have a bit o'the log leg but it could be worse. Just have to shotgun a few cold strohs and its off to the races
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