Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"Is that Seger on Youtube?"
So, I was on the Youtube perusing around when low and behold look what I stumbled across...
Makes me think of a few things after viewing this....firstly, what a cool company to work for....secondly, very entertaining Seger.....and thirdly, it's amazing what you can find on Youtube!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Every Bob Dylan Song
Just a link in this post, to http://everybobdylansong.blogspot.com/ where a 27 year old Asian kid in Nevada is attempting to collect his thoughts on every Bob Dylan song ever written. I tried to do something like this once in college after listening to "Paint It Black" too many times while writing a paper on medieval British literature.
Anyone catch Beck's cover of Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat as the Oscars closed the other night?
Anyone catch Beck's cover of Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat as the Oscars closed the other night?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Battle For Tobacco Road: Duke vs Carolina
On HBO tonight at 9pm comes Battle For Tobacco Road...
"Separated by fewer than ten miles, the two schools have been going at it on the hardwood since 1920. But over the past 25 years, their heated competition has steadily grown in intensity, with Duke and North Carolina gearing up each season to reach a common goal: to beat their archrival twice in the regular season, regardless of rankings or won-loss records.
These two Atlantic Coast Conference powerhouses frequently dominate the conference standings, and routinely compete for the top spot in the national polls. Remarkably, since the NCAA Tournament expanded to its current configuration in 1985, these two schools alone have combined for more national titles (five) and made more Final Four appearances (18), than any other entire conference.
The high-profile list of interviewees from the Blue Devils and Tar Heels weighing in on the intense rivalry in BATTLE FOR TOBACCO ROAD: DUKE VS. CAROLINA includes Hall of Fame coaches Dean Smith and Mike Krzyzewski, and all-time great players Michael Jordan, James Worthy, Charlie Scott, Grant Hill, Johnny Dawkins and Christian Laettner. "
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Car Trouble
About a month ago I received a phone call from my Mother who informed me that lawyers working for the City of Richmond were trying to find me. Since my Mother is no snitch, she refused to tell them my whereabouts. So I called them, cautiously, and they told me I owe property taxes for my car for 2006-2007 to the tune of $350ish. WTF, I didn't even live in Virginia at that time! Seems that they've sent multiple notices to my OLD Richmond residence, aka what good does that do me. The lawyers explained that the DMV (who I gave my plates before I moved to NYC) doesn't talk to City Hall, so blah blah blah and forty phone calls later to the DMV, lawyers, and City Hall I sent a fax to the Director of Finance of the City of Richmond as I was instructed. Basically I told him that I was refusing to pay. Thug Life! Picture me rollin'!
Then the other week, while driving to Maryland in my girlfriend's father's car, I got pulled over for not using a turn signal! Living on the edge, I know... "License, registration, and proof of insurance, please." I had my forsaken VA license, but guess what wasn't in the car? Registration and proof of insurance. My girlfriend called her Dad, he said, "Of course I have registration, it's right here in my wallet." Between not having the paperwork and the turn signal, I now owe the New Jersey township of Clinton close to $300. Well today I got a call, explaining that I just missed my court date (which was not noted on my tickets, the cop never told me I had madatory court appearance) and that Clinton was just about to put out a warrant for my arrest. Come get me, pigfuckers, I got Juice! The city of Clinton apparently made the same fatal mistake as Richmond, they sent notifications to my old Richmond address. I have been woefully out of touch with these people. Good thing we talked today to get things straightened out... So I've got a rescheduled court date... Should be a lot of fun.
Today I applied for a new New York state driver's license. Yes, I made a face during the photo, the over zealous smile I had in my old driver's picture.
Has anyone else gotten in Car Trouble lately?
In case you didn't know, the acronym F.M.L. stands for "Fuck My Life." A co-worker first showed me this hilarious FML webpage. It's a collection of these one or two line ideas that end with "FML." For example, "Today, my cousin is coming from out of state to visit me. I told my mom that I want to take her out to meet my friends. She replied 'Like who?' FML." Haha!
Yesterday I was stricken with a terrible bout of the stomach flu. I felt like someone was tearing up my insides, until both ends of my body decided to expel the most vile of liquids. Here would be my (extremely) personal FML entry from yesterday:
"I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom. For a split second I couldn't decided if I should shit in the toilet and throw up on the floor, or throw up in the toilet and shit on the floor. FML."
Yesterday I was stricken with a terrible bout of the stomach flu. I felt like someone was tearing up my insides, until both ends of my body decided to expel the most vile of liquids. Here would be my (extremely) personal FML entry from yesterday:
"I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom. For a split second I couldn't decided if I should shit in the toilet and throw up on the floor, or throw up in the toilet and shit on the floor. FML."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Wrestler
So I saw this movie a few weeks back and I must say that it still sits with Me. It is truly the grittiest most realistic non glamorous movie I've maybe ever seen. And being someone who once danced in the same circles that this movie does I can vouch for the authenticity of this movie. For example the scene where Mickey makes a "gig" is so damn real; you see him pull out the pack of razor blades, cut the tip off of one of them, wrap it in tape, hide it inside the tape on his arm, and then pull it out in a match and run it across his forehead to get the blood flowing. So, without breaking out into a full on lovefest for this movie, I'd highly suggest checking it out.
I want to be in a videoband
Smearballs is a videoband. The video above is, I guess, a videosong? I'm not sure, but it's certainly weirdtertaining.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Armpit Collection XVI: The Mecca of Hip
Coltrane: The Complete 1961 Village Vanguard Recordings
This is middle ground for Coltrane. A man that went from familiar elegance (John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman) to intellectualized primal expression (Ascension) to deep emotional introspection ("Alabama"), a stint at the Village Vanguard in 1961 seems to bridge these ideas and periods in his music.
These performances are thematic and chaotic, let 'em draw you in. The first time I heard the opening theme to "Spiritual" and it's following hypnotic, yet restless rhythm section, I was mesmerized, astounded. Coltrane absolutely blisters through most of his performances (see "Chasin' the Trane").
Monday, February 16, 2009
Red Headed Stranger
Last Friday night I finally dusted off my copy of Willie Nelson’s “Red Headed Stranger” and was absolutely blown away with how beautiful it is. I picked up this record several years ago while coat tailing along on a Swag outing to Maryland, and for some reason have never gotten around to listening to the whole thing. But after giving it a good spin I truly see why it’s often touted as “the greatest country album ever”.
For those unaware this was the album that made Willie a star. It’s a concept album that tells the story of a fugitive preacher on the run from the law after killing his wife. The album is very sparse leaving plenty of room for the instruments to breathe. There are accordions and Spanish guitars, barrelhouse pianos twinkling, harmonicas caterwauling, and drums that sound like spurs kicking down a desert road. It sounds like a western plays often conjuring up visions of setting suns and painted skies, campfires and pony rides. And Willie’s jazz phrasing compliments this approach so well, fitting in little fragments of the story here and there. This is also the record that spawned one of Willie’s signature songs, “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”.
This feels like the country equivalent of what “Born to Run” was to rock n roll. A widescreen cinematic version of the genre.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"As Republicans we don't have to agree on everything, you like Rush, Eric likes Sean, someone else might like Savage. We're a big tent party"
Aykroyd as Bonner, Hammond as McConnell, Sandberg as Cantor, one of the better opening sketches I've seen in a while.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"We Don't Take Shit From Nobody, You Got That Asshole? AFSCME"
What a congressman Richmond, VA has! For anyone who isn't aware of the Clark Kent look alike, Republican House whip Eric Cantor, he's a fucking dick. And not only is he a dick but he's considered the "white whale" of the Republican party because he's a republican jew. Well now Mr Cantor's in a bit of a brew-haha for a profanity laced web video he's started circulating, details below, video above...
"The union coalition AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), along with Americans United for Change, started running ads targeting Cantor for encouraging Republican opposition to the economic recovery plan. The House whip reacted with an ad of his own, depicting AFSCME workers as curse-spewing bullies."
It's Not Unusual
Tom Jones has gone all Johnny Cash on us with this Hurt-esque golden-hued video for a stripped-down song. It's pretty, but you can't do the Carlton to it. More songs here, including "Green, Green Grass of Home," a song I've always associated with the Man in Black.
I'll always prefer the comeback song below, though.
Fresh Prince,
johnny cash,
sex bomb,
Tom Jones
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Reefer Madness
8 people have just been arrested from the Michael Phelps pot party. When the sheriff who made the arrests was interviewed he said that there were pictures of a crime being committed so he had no choice to make the arrests. Hopefully this will shine a light onto the idiocy of pot persecution in this country. What's next, scanning facebook for any pictures depicting folks high or drunk in public and arresting them?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Who's Got the Guns?
Although the suspicion has been around for decades, the recent insurgence of the baseball steroid dialog bubbled during the Sosa/McGwire homerun battle and continues to steam today. That groundbreaking Sosa/McGwire race was preceded by an overall inflation of offensive power numbers in baseball, like when Brady Anderson was in the homerun derby - a former lead off hitter for the O's. But offense and excitement was welcomed in post-strike baseball. After the single season homerun record fell, the floodgates opened - an arms race. At climax, Barry Bonds boggled minds with an offensive presence that is unforgettable. And quietly a young shortstop from Miami became arguably the greatest offensive player in baseball history, in a very short period of time. These are only some of the figure-heads of the general steroid paranoia. Many other beautiful and amazing things happened in baseball during this time, which beckons the ethical dilemma.
I'm saddened. From personal experience, I dedicated a good 15-20 years learning this game and understanding it's philosophy. That philosophy evolved in recent decades and I experienced that evolution first hand. I didn't go with the flow. As with most things in my life, I appreciate integrity and originality, organics, and pureness of form and intellectualism. I always appreciated players like Tony Gwynn, Cal Ripken, and Greg Maddux, where grace and discipline were celebrated over brute force. There is something to be said about the beauty of a Bonds and McGwire homerun because yes, these two guys have the purest of the pure of swings. However, their crescendo signaled standards that are only attainable through substance.
Can we return to Ty Cobb? Do we want to? Is baseball evolving? Does it mirror American inflated life in general? Do we hate the cheaters? Do we forget, forgive, or say fuck you?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Reasons To Watch This Years Grammy's
So for the first time in a long time I'm actually excited for the Grammy's as there are quite a few reasons to watch. Not only has an abnormal amount of good music been nominated this year but also there's a nice line up of performances as well. There's Radiohead performing with the USC marching band, a 9month pregnant M.I.A performing on stage, a Dave Grohl and Paul McCartney duet, Coldplay, Kanye West, a Four Tops tribute, and massive amounts of Lil Wayne. Also there's this great ad campaign they've got this year with artists faces being made of of the songs that have been most influential in their lives. Here's to hoping Thom and Wayne walk away as the big winners for the night.
Friday, February 6, 2009
“You ain’t my bitch, nigga! Buy your own damn fries!”

First Christian Bale, now Pres. Barack Obama.
The audiobook of "Dream From My Father" won Barack Obama the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album. It also features now-President Barack quoting his high school-friend Ray's colorful manner of speaking. The Boston Phoenix did a great job of pulling mp3s of the president's profanist profanities. I wish it had been possible for me to have W. saying “This shit’s getting way too complicated for me” as my ringtone, but this is the next best thing.
Quick: whoever makes a YouTube techno remix first wins a bajillion hits and a spot on VH1's BEST WEEK EVER.
“You know that guy ain’t shit. Sorry-ass motherfucker ain’t got nothing on me.”
“There are white folks, and then there are ignorant motherfuckers like you.”
“You ain’t my bitch, nigga! Buy your own damn fries!”
“Sure you can have my number, baby!”
Bush Obama,
curse words,
Dreams From My Father,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Who Said It?
"You guys know your president, right?" she asked the crowd amid cheers. "You know the one with the big ears? Wait a minute, he ain't my president, he might be yours, he ain't my president. You know that woman he had singing for him, singing my song -- she's gonna get her ass whipped. The great Beyoncé ... But I can't stand Beyoncé. She has no business up there, singing up there on a big ol' president day ... singing my song that I've been singing forever."
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Slept On Sounds: Little Green Bag
So for anyone whose seen the opening of Reservoir Dogs then you've most certainly heard this tune, George Baker Selection's "Little Green Bag". This song just seems to have a certain something to it. With it's tambourine playing on the off beats, the jazzy bass intro, it's got a cool feel to it, and then it just busts into this big spanish sounding chorus with full horns blazing. What an ear for music Tarantino has.
Monday, February 2, 2009
We Love You
Here at Putting Things In Plain Site, our contributors are always looking for ways to improve content. Let us know what you think:
get your laws off my body,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Why The Faux Outrage?
Get Your Kicks on the Cheap
This fucking economy... and I right, folks, or am I right? Everywhere you read, you find articles displaying the loss of luxery, how things used to go like that, now they go like this. A lot of people are having to cut back, and spend a lot less than they used to. What do a lot of kids our age spend their money on? You guess it: Drugs. I thought all was lost, until I stumbled across this Gawker article. Luckily, there's a way to catch a buzz on the cheap.
"Another good technique that's been circling around the internet for a few days is The Ganzfeld Procedure. It sounds like a Tintin adventure, yes, but it's really quite unexotic. All you do is cut a ping-pong ball in half, put 'em over your eyes, lie down, and put the radio on a static channel. Eventually, due to the lack of sensory stimuli, your brain will come up with its own shit to entertain and engage you. People see horses and talk to dead relatives and stuff. And all that costs you is the price of a ping-pong ball! And a radio, I guess, if you don't have one. Though if you don't have a radio you're probably in worse shape than most and probably shouldn't be spending your time getting ping-pong high anyway. "
As many of you know, I've also been listening to a lot of hip-hop lately. No, not that Kanye West bullshit, I'm talking 'bout my man 2Pac! In several on his songs he references "sherm." My favorite song I Ain't Mad at Cha, 2Pac raps, "On the block with ya glock trippin' off sherm." Given my inquisitive nature, I went to Urban Dictionary and found out it was:
"SHERM is a cigarette dipped in formaldahyde, which is embalming fluid. It is not PCP. A sherm stick will run you ten dollars per cigarette in LA, and you will probably have to provide your own, so make sure it's a 100 type cigarette. If it's a good one, it will be soaked and probably wrapped in aluminum foil. Do not drive and smoke a sherm stick. It is a lot like being totally drunk on acid and meth at once and lasts several hours."
Ten bucks? That's affordable!
"Another good technique that's been circling around the internet for a few days is The Ganzfeld Procedure. It sounds like a Tintin adventure, yes, but it's really quite unexotic. All you do is cut a ping-pong ball in half, put 'em over your eyes, lie down, and put the radio on a static channel. Eventually, due to the lack of sensory stimuli, your brain will come up with its own shit to entertain and engage you. People see horses and talk to dead relatives and stuff. And all that costs you is the price of a ping-pong ball! And a radio, I guess, if you don't have one. Though if you don't have a radio you're probably in worse shape than most and probably shouldn't be spending your time getting ping-pong high anyway. "
As many of you know, I've also been listening to a lot of hip-hop lately. No, not that Kanye West bullshit, I'm talking 'bout my man 2Pac! In several on his songs he references "sherm." My favorite song I Ain't Mad at Cha, 2Pac raps, "On the block with ya glock trippin' off sherm." Given my inquisitive nature, I went to Urban Dictionary and found out it was:
"SHERM is a cigarette dipped in formaldahyde, which is embalming fluid. It is not PCP. A sherm stick will run you ten dollars per cigarette in LA, and you will probably have to provide your own, so make sure it's a 100 type cigarette. If it's a good one, it will be soaked and probably wrapped in aluminum foil. Do not drive and smoke a sherm stick. It is a lot like being totally drunk on acid and meth at once and lasts several hours."
Ten bucks? That's affordable!

It's A Gas, Gas, Gas!
A few Friday's ago I found myself drunk (again) at a bar in Hell's Kitchen. Around 10pm a band took the stage and began playing Rolling Stones covers. The lead singer was good, but I've seen better. I then found out this was no ordinary Stones cover band, this was a KAREOKE Rolling Stones cover band, so they encouraged people to join them onstage to get their "inner-Jagger" out in the open.
"I was born in a cross-fire hurricane!"
Needless to say I was the first participant. I was happy to have Kurt Cobain backing me up on guitar. My friend Becky started recording at the start of the third verse. I screamed, I shook, I threw myself to my knees. What you don't see in this clip, once the song stopped, I taunt the crowd merriclessly. "Thank you, little pig fuckers! I'd like to see someone follow THAT up, I dare you." Then I held up the mic and promptly dropped it to the floor and walked off stage. That cover band didn't know what hit 'em.
jumping jack flash,
rolling stones,
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