This story is like something out of Edgar Allen Poe. Or CSI: Miami.
Suicide claims two men who shared one heart
Published Saturday, April 5, 2008
After Terry Cottle killed himself more than 12 years ago, his heart beat on in former Hilton Head Island resident Sonny Graham.
Grateful for the transplant that saved his life, Graham wrote to thank the Cottle family. Through that correspondence, he met Cheryl Cottle, his donor's widow. Then the unexpected happened -- they fell in love and married.
Earlier this week, the unexpected happened again, when Graham's life ended the same way Terry Cottle's did.
On Tuesday, Graham took his own life at his home in Vidalia, Ga. He was 69. ...
Click the link for the rest of the story and for a picture of the twice-widowed wife. She's suprisingly young-looking for a gal hitched to a 69 year old.
Was foul play involved? Or does Cheryl Cottle just chew her dinner so loudly that two separate dudes couldn't stand to live in a world with her in it? Or maybe it was some sort of cursed voodoo witch heart? Or maybe Terry Cottle didn't like the idea of this guy mackin' on his lady and used some sort of psychic afterlife connection to drive Graham to self-extinguish.
truly bizarre . . . great commentary tacked on the end there. that heart should get a voice!
The heart actually had two voices. Both said, "Kill me!"
I've recently moved to Hatteras Island (not far from Hilton Head) and after meeting these locals I think the island just drove the man mad. Guess living so far from civilization has made some of these folks stir crazy as the addiction and suicide rates here are out of control. As a 15year resident told me earlier today "you have to drive 2 and a half hours to buy a pair of mens shoes"...that's a long ways away.
That heart jpgeg is gross-ee-ohs-oh.
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