Pirates, or you might call them new age pirates, neo-pirates, or piraterrorists, live on. How? Why? I once heard oceans were the final
frontier. They make up
70.8% of our planet’s surface and that’s one hell of a market for stealing shit. Pirates have made splashes in the news lately as attacks are on the rise, particularly along the navy-less Somalia coast. What do pirates look like these days? I know what you’re
thinking, but let’s just say they have lost a little
pizzazz. Are pirates as cool as they used to be?
Note to self: Avoid waters off the coast of Somalia.
"The only thing today's pirates have in common with the romantic vision people have of pirates is that they are ruthless criminals who exploit very vulnerable people at sea," said Pottengal Mukundan of the International Maritime Bureau, which monitors shipping crime.
Today's maritime muggers don night-vision goggles, carry rocket launchers and navigate with global positioning devices.
With the ransoms they collect, pirates can sometimes earn up to $40,000 a year, analysts say. That's a fortune for someone from an impoverished country.
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