Clearly if the seven "contributors" to the site started telling more people about it, I think we'd have a broader audience which could be cool, but it might lose some of it's clubhouse feel, possibly lead to some semi-abusive anonymous comments, etc.
I see good sides and bad sides to going public, but most importantly I'm interested in what you think about the idea.
The semi-abusive anonymous comments have started already!
this blog is lame
oops that was meant to be anonymous
i think the anonymous man is among us
i did notice Jewel being the first female to show up . . .
Actually the two lezzies on one of my earliest posts, "Two Snakes and No Charm," were the first females. Fascinating creatures really.
Go public. I promise I will post within the next 24 hours also.
However, I am not even sure how to go public. I could tell my mom, she would be cool about it.
I enjoy reading this blog, but I'm sure none of you know I'm reading it.
by go public, do you mean invite more friends?
I don't really view it as loosing the club house feel, I just view it as putting windows in our clubhouse so others can look on. From reading the posts on here apparently all of us are highly capable of posting entertaining and well written stuff so I'm sure people would continue to come back. I've wanted to turn people onto this thing for a while but wasn't sure if it was kosher or not, so I cast my vote for Yes, invite others to read.
together we can conquer the world!
I didn't necessarily mean invite more contributors, mostly just tell people about this site. I don't think any of us have anything to hide really.
I say you put the windows on the clubhouse and let em look in. Like you said, not contribute, just spectate.
Well, unless anyone comes up with a good reason not to, just go ahead and tell your friends about it. We're pubic, I mean, public.
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