I updated my
Muxtape. Check it out if you'd like. I got a little tripped up making this mix... Muxtape only accepts mp3s, but iTunes-purchased songs are in some fascist other format that wouldn't let me convert them to mp3s. So after I gave up on those tracks, and picked at least 4 new songs (the rest were easily converted), I finally figured out how to convert the iTunes-purchased songs into mp3s... I burnt them onto a cd, then ripped them onto my harddrive, then converted them into mp3s. That takes effort. Unfortunately most of the new music I buy is bought off iTunes; something I'm beginning to see as a mixed blessing.
Down with the Fascists...we already fought those wars...remember, Hemingway wrote a book about it. Now here they come again, but with a pocket-sized, sleak look instead of stumpy mustache and a speed habit.
thanks for another mux tape. I appreciate you putting a couple of indie rockers on (go and clap), i dont every get a chance to hear those bands and naturally judge base upon my instincts (which are very trustworthy). I have heard the Arcade Fire song and yes it does sound exactly like the Boss.
I learned this year that "fascist" can be used as slang without much critisism towards the person using it. It's become another empty word like Fox New's version of "truth" and "balanced."
Glad someone listens to the Muxtape. I'm going to keep updating it 'bout once a week or so. I have Ryan to thank for a lot of my newer music interests. Thanks, Ryan!
About the Boss comment... I first got into Arcade Fire when I saw them on SNL last year and the singer smashed his guitar. I bought their "new" album and really liked them, very artsy sound. THEN I heard everyone saying "They sound like Bruce Springsteen," and as a HUGE Boss fan I kept thinking, eh, kinda, I guess. The track on the Muxtape is the most Bossesque, but overall (in case you haven't heard their other stuff) I wouldn't lump Boss and Arcade Fire in the same musical genre.
Nat, any thoughts on my Black Crowes selection?
Yea, I just meant that one song sounds like the Boss, the rest of the record sounds like Arcade Fire to me.
" . . . though its nice to think heeeeeeeee'd try."
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