In a 48 hour span I've seen Al-Qaida's number 2 in command call Mr. Obama a "House Negro", I've seen a Christian Pastor go on CNN to defend his belief that Mr. Obama is truly a Muslim, and I've heard Newt Gingrich's fat ass say that "there is a gay and secular fascism in this country" and that they are "prepared to use violence". And these are supposed to be the men of faith in this world?
Thinking about gay fascists is fun. I imagine Nazis with pink uniforms running around and carrying billy clubs. Oh they don't scarey, in fact, they look kinda gay. But WATCH OUT! They're violent!
It's like they envision this mass swarm of limp wristed gay folk throwing flaming torches through church windows and sasheying inside and sodomizing all the congregants.
And the Nazi's with pink uniforms thing reminds me of the Dave Chapelle skit about the gay KKK.
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