Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Glenn Beck on The Beatles 'Revolution'

Cooky as you'd expect, pathetic of course, but strangely entertaining. He has literally become a parody of himself. Also, I love how you can play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon as a way to link Obama to any 'radical' that's ever lived.


JlikeBoB said...

What was that quote from Billy Madison... "At no point during this long, rambling... answer... did you once come close to anything that resembles logic..."

What is this guy talking about? No really.

Bradley Glisson said...

It's part of his shuffle board, er, black board, game that he plays in order to compare Obama to 'radicals'. See he just puts all these pictures on a blackboard, Obama at the top and then around him they put pictures of his advisors and union leaders, and then adds in pictures of Chavez, Che', Chairman Mao, Hitler, on and on...and then he draws lines all over the board so that viewers look at it and go "Hey wait a minute". Like Beck recently said "I'm not saying this administration is radicals, I'm saying we need to look out for the warning signs, and I'm seeing warning signs".

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

The Beatles sounded good though, eh? Love that song... but when he quoted the lyric, "you can count me out..." he left out the audible "in" that follows that line.

Doesn't Beck know "it's gonna be alright alright alright?"

Bradley Glisson said...

Cartman's portrayal of Glenn Beck is truly the best illustration of his whacky antics. Repetition (Beck will play the same clip for months on end), cherry picking lines from speeches and texts, putting images of Hitler and Chavez and the likes alongside images of Obama and his administration, and saying a lot of "I'm just asking questions" and "doesn't it make you wonder" and "this doesn't make sense, why would they REALLY be doing this". Joseph McCarthy would be proud!

JlikeBoB said...

He doesn't ever really say anything that is actually happening...so in this regard I can compare anyone to anyone, in theory.

Bradley Glisson said...

"Let's talk about Mr Jason Seger...oh ho ho, or JSeger as he calls himself. Jason claims to be a 'musician', but I think to myself, why wasn't he a pitcher a few years ago? And that makes me think, hmm, who else was a pitcher...oh that's right, Andy Pettite, Roger Clemens, are you seeing the pattern here. Follow me, lets go to the blackboard *puts up pictures*

You see, Clemens and Pettite both took steroids, now I'm not saying Jason took steroids but you have to ask yourself, why did he stop pitching? Clemens stopped pitching after his steroid troubles, is it possible Jason stopped for the same reasons? I'm just asking questions. And that makes me think, hmm, now he's a musician...he plays the 'guitar'...well Sid Vicious played a guitar, oh wait, didn't Sid Vicious, Sid VICIOUS, what a name, didn't he kill his girlfriend, I mean, is it possible Jason is a killer? I mean, he plays guitar, and Sid Vicious played guitar, I mean, I'm just asking.

Also here's a clip my staff found, of Mr Seger playing his 'guitar' at a show a few years ago with a band of radicals known as the Family Swaggards...hmmm The Family, sounds like a cult to me hahaha, I'm just saying. But here they are singing a John Lennon song Freda People, why they cant even spell right, hahaha...listen to these lyrics though 'Free the people,now do it do it do it'. Free the people, do it do it do it...who else wanted to Free the people, oh that's right, Che Gueverra and Fidel Castro, hmmm, makes you wonder doesn't it? And I mean those guys knew how to do it do it do it by murdering anyone who stood in their way.

*shows glaring red phone* now if I'm wrong Mr Seger, just call this phone, you have the number, tell ME I"M WRONG, PLEASE Mr Baseball Guitar player revolutionary. I mean, I'm not saying that Jason is a steroid using murderer...but we have to keep our eyes open for the warning signs, and that America, is the American way, because that America, is freedom."

JlikeBoB said...

haha, i enjoyed this. It's too bad you don't have a show on Fox.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Great recap of the mysterious life of JSeger! Probably the funniest comments on this website!

Bradley Glisson said...

Watch out, next weeks segment could be on you Matt, or Mattical301 as you call yourself...know what rhymes with Mattical? That's right, Radical. Makes you wonder doesn't it? And 301...301..where have I seen that before, oh that's right, the year 301...mmm hmm..and it seems something important happened that year, lets see, Oh that's right, Emperor Diocletian his Edict on Maximum Prices which everyone knows was the begining of Hitleresque Socialism in Rome, and we all know what happened in Rome...IT BURNT TO THE GROUND! Makes you wonder doesn't it? Who is Matt Hobby, and what does he REALLY have in store for this blog?