Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Before I Kick The Bucket List: Demolition Derby

I'll send everyone I know invitations out similar to wedding announcements to attend the last hurrah and swan song for my '86 Thunderbird. The adrenaline alone would compensate for my desire to exchange rust and dust with tons of sunsetting metal clad machines in an otherwise controlled enviroment. This boat could do some damage and provide an adequate amount of buffer safety for myself in the meantime. Of course I would ride to win so regardless of the outcome, tears will drop. Two words...Washington County Agriculture Expodition.


JlikeBoB said...

As much as I love seeing that car again... it makes me smile just to see the Laws feet in rubber flip flops.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Luke, when are you coming to visit NY?