Thursday, June 23, 2011

Imagine — and there ya go.

Remember Archie? Well, he and his took an idea and started a world.


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I can appreciate the ambition behind the project, but must admit I'm skeptical on many levels.

1. Looks like a proto-type for this innovative river filtration pool has yet to exist.

2. Love the idea of 4 lanes for swimming laps. Given the city has 8MM people in it, I assume if I showed up with a towel and trunks, I'd only have to wait 36 days before I was given 5 minutes to swim a lap.

3. The river is way grosser than they make it out to be.

4. The company, Arup, if they can doing amazing things like filter one of the dirtiest bodies of water on earth, I'd assume they can turn salt water into fresh water eliminating one of the great fears of modern man.

5. This pool will cost way more than $500,000.

All that said, I admire the attempts to think big and keeping the community in mind. Lord knows rich people can make whatever they want if they throw enough money at it. Asking for donations to pick a dream off the ground is amazing, and Kickstarter is a great place to turn those dreams into realities. I barely remember Archie, but I had seen Gylo promoting to project on Facespace.

I have yet to donate any money towards the project.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

rationale will make the world go 'round.

JlikeBoB said...

Is this Lee? I saw this a couple of days ago at work.


So was this Archie's idea, or was it Lee's idea? Which twin?

JlikeBoB said...

Also, this is a type of project I can get behind in terms of Kickstarter. I had an extensive conversation once with both Mattical and Adamo about the lack of merit in "Kickstarting" the recording of an album. They both vehemently disagreed with me (wink), but we got drunk in the process, so at least we were able to damage ourselves both emotionally AND physically.