"We really can't have a divided convention."
"We even said maybe it's aliens..." Thanks, Tom.
"Worthless piece of paper"
Subway graffiti will find a way.
I made another Muxtape. I put Jimi between two chicks. heh-heh.

Brooklyn, NY-The Super Thing: NYC goes DEVO at 3rd Ward is a DEVO inspired group show experience of art, adventure and music featuring 20 Postcard Diaries prints by Mark Mothersbaugh! The Super Thing art exhibition and music event is dedicated to the zealous, jerky synth-powered, midwestern heroes of DEVO and showcases art which shares their bold aesthetics, politics and humor. DEVO has already inspired legions with their politics, new wave getup of nuclear hazmat suits, retro-futuristic plastic pomps, and ziggurat-shaped energy dome flower pot hats and you can expect the same from their art.
Excluding a Garbage Pail Kids retrospective or an Airheads taste testing gala, this is about as pumped as I will probably get for an art show.
Anyway, it is important to know that THIS HERE is the actual site where you can download and file claim on the bread you dished out for your tubes of Airborne. $23 million is a lot of money and if they are going to be giving it out we all might as well get in line. Personally, I plan to get my settlement check, run to Pathmark, and head right to the medicine section to stock up on as much Airborne as I can. You can never have too much.
If you are worried about proof of purchases with your claim, its all good. Unless you are trying to get a refund on more than 6 packs you don't need a receipt. Unfortunately, this is kind of where I am getting screwed. As part of a special advertised deal a few months back I mailed away several bar code proofs from my Airborne packages to receive a free tube in the mail. I even included a handwritten letter (I'm not joking either) that said something along the lines of "I am an advocate for your product...keep up the good work." I have still yet to receive my free Airborne and am now half a dozen bar codes out. I suppose with all their legal troubles I was just not a concern -- its understandable.
One last thing -- as stated on the settlement page, Airborne has its final court date on June 16, 2008 in Riverside, CA. Anyone want to drive out to CA that week and protest in favor of Airborne with me?