Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sensory Deprivation Chamber


JlikeBoB said...

Cool man, sounds very interesting. This came up in a couple books I've read recently, "On the Road" and "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle."

In "On the Road," the nutty smack addict couple they visit in New Orleans have one in their backyard.

In "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle," a large part of the story centers around this empty well that eventually the main character gets into and experiences pretty much the same sensations the girl in this video describes.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

The first serious conversation I heard about Sensory Deprivation Chambers was on the Adam Carolla podcast with Joe Rogan. Rogan is a total head and was comparing the sensation to that of mushrooms.

Obviously I wouldn't want to purchase a Chamber for myself, but would love to find one to chill out for 15 minutes... or 4 hours... I heard its easy to lose track of time.