What's mean, tough, and rough and covered in OIL!? Last night I saw an AMAZING movie, There Will Be Blood. (Don't worry non-New Yorkers, I'm sure it'll eventually make it to a theatre near you.) Given the fact that Daniel Day Lewis is a total badass (have you seen a better butcher?), Johnny Greenwood does the soundtrack (have you heard any weirder music?), and Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights anyone?) was behind the lens, I had very high expectations. All I'm going to say is SEE IT, SEE IT, SEE IT! Sure, it's not your typical Pirates of the Transformers of the Lost Arc; it takes a true appreciation for cinematography to enjoy this sometimes slow, but always beautiful in a masculine way flick. Some say it's too anti-religion, too anti-capitalist, but in this day and age it was just what I needed for a tremendous movie experience.
Minutes into 2008, after I had my smootches and drank my champagne, I was watching the video clip below, Radiohead's Scotch Mist on Current TV. In case you didn't hear, they made this video specifically to be played at midnight on Current TV and their website. It mostly consists of them performing their new album, with some fun weirdness mixed. I've fallen asleep to this 52 minute piece of art blasting on YouTube many a night. Nothing (and I mean nothing) has come close to sounding as good as Radiohead's In Rainbows in recent memory. It takes me to another futuristic, happier, fitter, more productive world, Thom's World/Radiohead's SOUND WAVES. I think I've listened to the album at least 100 times this year, I shit you not.
Is there anything you've super dug so far this year (besides the Britney meltdown)? Please share.
The only thing I've dug more than In Rainbows was Radiohead's cover of New Order's "Ceremony". But In Rainbows is absolutely amazing.
Nat and I have had a tight pact about reading Upton Sinclair's Oil! before seeing the movie and we've definitely talked about it nonstop since I saw him New Years. I'm about done with the book and am greatly looking forward to the experience. The reviews I've read (check out Podhoretz from the Weekly Standard, my favorite critic) are heightening the intrigue.
Still have yet to get into In Rainbows, even after a vinyl sess...but then again I've never fallen that hard for the greatest band in the world.
Eating slower and Reading has been my theme within the new year, 2012: the Return of..., Oil!, No Country, The Weekly Standard, the Nation, Oxford American...
"Filming that makes your draw drop." That line I just saw in the TWBB commercial. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just buying into the hype of the film? But then I think, No, the movie was made for people like me. It's just great stuff, when/where else are you going to see it like that? Blood and Oil? Are you kidding me? It's a Radiohead music video for crying out loud! Freeky shit out loud! This country was born on the backs of stubborn, hard working, today is the day until the fairy tale comes true, jibbidy dee, jibbidy boo!
Check the Radiohead video at 15:50 into it. I thought this was really far out, man.
There Will Be Blood is tremendous. I am so excited to see that you have also seen and loved it. I was just about to blog about it from a different perspective and now I think I will.
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