As reported here on puttingthinsinplainsite.com former professional wrestler Brad Rainz (real name Brad Glisson) has been accused of doping. No details yet whether it was the 'cream' or 'the clear' or 'the green'. A quote from CWF says "In 2003, 'Slick' Ric Converse and The Brads (Brad Attitude and Brad Rainz) formed arguably the greatest faction in CWF Mid-Atlantic history. By 2007, one was retired, one was a former World champion, and one had signed with the WWE." Attached below is a link to a video tribute to the faction, but with these recent allegations will Brad's two tag team title reigns be tarnished?
Why is doping even against the rules for wrestlers? That's like an accountant being accused of bringing a pen to work.
And Hilary by the way would make for a great pro wrestler--or manager to someone like Randy Orton.
yeah man, give me the monsters!
First Chris Benoit and now this? IS THERE NO GOD?
Just saw the video, and of course it was nothing short of amazing. I encourage everyone to look at it again around 1:37, when I believe two men try twisting a woman's arms off, then body chop her flat on her back. Is it too much to ask for the same video, but with real audio. Sure, that song is pretty good I guess, but I'd really love to hear what you were saying in the ring.
The song is horrible, not my creation, just a creation made my someone in the organization. Trying to get a dvd put together with the promos and matches leading up to and showing our title run and then my retirement. I was never a great wrestler but I was a good wrestler, although my true talent lied in being entertaining, talking trash on the mic, and pissing everyone else in the crowd off. I sucked as a good guy but once I 'turned heel' and started tagging with two hellacious wrestlers, throwing powder in folks eyes, using brass knucks, and other various dirty tactics, then I hit my stride and it allowed me to go out on a nice two year run.
By the way, the arm twist into the doublechop is awesome! I once though got to wrestle a woman and her boyfriend in a triple threat match, now that was a treat. I pushed them into one another to get em going at it, slid outside the ring, then took a fans seat and popcorn and took a 2 minute snack break while I watched them beat the hell out of each other. Now that was a good time!
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