Christ! The blankets are coming off. Hand check! Societal spring! The heat will poor. What else was stuffed down there? Anyone catch a glimpse of the now infamous Golfweek "noose" cover? I feel a violent '08 running full-steam ahead, straight for Sammy's bloated gut . . .
Weird storyline...
very weird. even weirder that the slight-bit-of-whit journalist (who, mind you, is editing Golfweek) is the one who lost his job . . . as opposed to the off-the-cuff commentator coupling "tiger" with "lynch."
Yea...that's what I meant when I said weird storyline. On Maher this week, someone was explaining what had happened...about them putting the noose on the cover of the mag in reference to the comment made on TV...it's like what the f_ck what you thinking.
If we could only bring Imus in on this situation...Tiger, the nappy headed ho
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, guys! I love this picture of Tiger. In my head he's givin' the old Howard Dean "YEEEEEEEEE-AAAH!" I guess the TV comment was a little off the cuff, but not worth prosecuting. The magazine cover, I think, was kinda awesome in an appropriate way. Probably seemed like a great idea at like 3am in the morning, until everyone else saw it and was like, "What the fuck have I done?!?!"
yeah, nothing like the inevitable dose of sleep to kill a "really good idea;" the threatening romantic (or jerrymaguire-ness) in us all . . .
I have cancelled my subscription to GolfWeek in protest.
Had anyone ever heard of GolfWeek before this controversy? It would be hard enough to come up with an exciting cover for GolfMonth, I would think.
Probably an early example of next-generation-meta-Britney Spears-style-viral-advertising-through-embarassment.
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