Friday, January 25, 2008

Rezko with Hillary?

So you know that ole adage 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' and that one about 'a picture says a thousand words', well put those two together and you get the above. Hillary and Bill, standing right beside Mr. 'slum lord' Rezko himself.


Anonymous said...

Bradley! Please stop running a smear campaign against me on this distinguished blog! Don't make me bring up your doping allegations while you were a professional wrestler, you'll have to give up your former titles and belts.

Bradley Glisson said...

I'm sorry Matt, but for once Hillary is telling the truth. I just saw a breaking news story on your blog about this Brad Rainz doping scandal. It's a sad sad day for indy wrestling.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

our paper is doing a cover story on WNC's various forms of pro-wrasslin' this week and i thought of you. think of the schtick you could get going with the anti-hill fire in your pants(ies)!