Not sure if you guys have taken one of these "Presidential Quizzes" yet but they are pretty interesting. Very limited and impersonal I suppose, but still kind of fun. I just finished the one below and believe it or not I actually matched up the most with my Cuyahoga boy Denny K. No joke.
Pencils ready:
Your Results:
94% Chris Dodd
92% Barack Obama
90% John Edwards
89% Hillary Clinton
85% Joe Biden
82% Mike Gravel
81% Dennis Kucinich
78% Bill Richardson
45% Rudy Giuliani
35% John McCain
27% Mike Huckabee
25% Tom Tancredo
23% Mitt Romney
18% Ron Paul
14% Fred Thompson
Since Chris Dodd OD'd on H-tasy and choked on his own vom in a hotel room, it looks like I'm voting for Barack Obama!
Wait, oh, what? That was Brad Renfro? Nevermind, then. Always getting those two confused.
My results:
80% Obama
79% Richardson
77% Clinton
77% Dodd
76% Edwards
I'm pleased with my results, but compared to Ryan, who had 94% in common with Dodd, my Obama and I only like 80% in common. You know what that means? I SHOULD RUN!
My results:
97% Billy Bob Thorton
94% Stephen Hawking
84% Larry King
82% Cal Ripken Jr
78% Jeb Bush
77% Spike Lee
77% Phil Jackson
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