Who's on top and who's on bottom now? As I'm writing this post it's still, "too close to call" in the New Hampshire Democratic primaries. Personally, I'm leaning towards Barak Obama as our (assuming everyone reading this is "progressive") ticket's audacity of hope. Initially I was rooting for Hillary, but a month ago I realized it's 90% due to an unhealthy adoration of Bill Clinton. Then Oprah started rooting for Obama, and I was like, "it's on now!" She is THE most influencial person in America. B'lieve dat! Pundits shrugged off her influence, but I knew better. Have you seen Gen. Wesley Clark stumping for Hillary? I'm wondering if she'll pick him for VP if she won? Love that guy. After years and years of Bush's reign of terror, it's a good time to be a Democrat.
A few words for the Republican side... I really hope Hickabilly wins for them. He loves Chuck Norris, plays guitar, and loves Jesus even more than I do! Oh I hope, I hope, I hope he can defeat the big, bad Everyone Else! "(Huckabee) said he used to eat squirrels, cooking them up in his popcorn popper." Ah-may-zing!
Keep in mind this will be our last president before our transition into a new consciousness in 2012. I was really dreaming up the R.Paul-W.Clark ticket, but knowing that won't happen, I'm beginning to think that Obama is going to win. It just feels inevitable. I truly only like Ron Paul's speeches, he's the only one I can connect with when he speaks. Like a close acquaintance of mine said about Huck over dinner recently, "He's a fraud. The guy has lost like 150 lbs."
Hillary cries and wins New Hampshire? Do we want a weepy-lady-president? I liked her better as a robot, when she was the Democrat's version of Dick Cheney, when she could scare terrorists like a blonde Robocop. Now that we know that she keeps Kleenex in her purse for when the emotion-supressing pills run out, I don't think she can win.
I hope she doesn't win either. I hate it when women tell me what to do. THANKS MOM!
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