With one Cack-o-lacky Dental Assista-Chic too many, I've decided to no longer accept their whooping comaparison as compliment. Despite the vulnerable droop of my drool-induced lip, their gawk giggled with pride and undetected convention. I've surpassed this peaking phenomenon with immaculate style and haste; a torch unfit to carry the weight of occasional resemblance.
OMG! McDaniel, you look like a pirate with mega-pirattitude! Super cute!
I feel your pain in too many, "Hey, does anyone ever tell you look like..." ways. However, I did dress as Donnie Brasco for Halloween.
Trust me, I have the most generic features in the world. White guy? White the brown straight hair? Big nose? About 6 feet tall? Wearing jeans and a tshirt? Kinda had an accent? Talks shit on GW? Super fucking cool?
i wish we lived in a world where a bright red lobster was considered "generic," but we don't. magic, however . . .
I had a street artist draw a picture of me for my grandma's Christmas present. He told me I had Brendan Fraser's face with Tobey Maguire's mouth and Shaquille O'Neal's giant dong.
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