Monday, November 10, 2008

Blogama: Gettin' Safe Wit' It

Obama is bulletproof. The bulletproof glass was not visible to the millions of people worldwide watching his speech on TV. So it was no surprise that Barack Obama's victory speech was delivered from behind two-inch thick bullet proof glass?


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Ugh, something I wish we didn't have to think about... Had no idea there was bulletproof glass up there, I do recall thinking, "wow, he seems rather exposed." I'm sure he has the best possible security imaginable.

RYAN! said...

If it's good enough for my bodega cashier, it's good enough for my president.


Secret Service code names:

"Renegade"-Barack Obama
“Renaissance”-Michelle Obama
“Radiance”-Malia Obama
"Rosebud"-Sasha Obama
"Celtic”—Joe Biden
"Capri"—Jill Biden
“Denali”—Sarah Palin (Mt. McKinley in Alaska is known locally as Denali)
"Tumbler"—President Bush
"Eagle"—President Clinton
"Evergreen"—Sen. Hillary Clinton

RYAN! said...

Oh, and Todd Palin, no joke, is "Driller"

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Jesus, someone in the Secret Service has a sense of humor.

JlikeBoB said...

Honestly, that was all I could think about during his speech, was like, here we go, I'm about to see someone get shot in the chest...

Gotta love Tumbler!

Kevlarg said...

Mattical301 said...
Jesus, someone in the Secret Service has a sense of humor.

Just that one guy Randy. Everyone else strictly business in a strangely tailored suit...

I was wondering about him being so exposed at the speech as well. Does that glass seem big enough to everyone else?

JlikeBoB said...

apparently the SS did sniper "tests" where they shoot lasers at a decoy to be sure they've got all the angles covered