Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where Were You When Obama was Elected?

Good Morning, America! Everyone is encouraged to participate in the "comments" section of this post.


YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I was in the East Village, at Smit's house, with the crew that went campaigning last weekend in PA (Amanda, Ryan, Smit).

We ate fine cheeses, Barackamole, and hummus. I drank six Stellas. We flipped between CNN and MSNBC, and occasionally saw the dopey faces on Fox News. We stayed until President Obama gave his speech.

I'd personally like to thank the people of VA, PA, MD, FL, NC, and NY.

lucy lawless said...

I was yelling racial epithets at the little children in my neighborhood bicycling to close to my car while smoking a J and listening to "Welcome to the Jungle" on the radio when the song was interrupted by the announcement of a new black/white president.

JlikeBoB said...

I was in bed...watching.

∆damø´ ßa˙dude˙y said...

I went to Rockafeller Center with the masses. I got there when New Mexico broke through the red barrier that was streaked across the Midwest. I stayed until after his speech and then went to the nearest bar, took a shot of Jaeger and threw back 4 whiskey's in an hour. Went up to Harlem and celebrated. The neighborhood was in the street singing and dancing and drumming.
Needless to say, I woke up with one of those drums still beating in my head.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

i was at the neighborhood public house. i congratulated my state for evolving our own cultural fantasy — we smoke, fight, AND vote democratic. i boasted the competency of my own Buncombe County, tipping the scale of our state's presidential endorsement. sure, 15,000 here is 15,000 there, but asheville is living, breathing proof that our world turns by the stroke of anomaly — we rear the pack and dew the morning grass. with as much sauce as sauce could sauce, we returned to our table and continued philosophizing the very nature of blunt fact — the fact that old men die.

we were happy, and humbled quickly.