Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Republican Talking Points: Anti-Bank Reform

From Gawker: GOP pollster, Frank Lutz, released anti-bank reform talking points. This is the Grade D red meat Fox and Friends will be chewing on in the coming weeks.


Bradley Glisson said...

When I saw this earlier my first thought was "Man, the Dems really need to A, find their own Frank Luntz or B, pick him up in free agency". I mean sure I prefer high minded discussions where you explain something rather than just saying words that make people hit the peddle, but Americans over the age of 45 (for the most part) really seem to prefer the boilerplate talking points.

Also I love that "Never Again" is one of the phrases...wasn't that supposed to be the rallying cry of the Jews post WWII? Now it's used for everything the Repubs are against.

Bradley Glisson said...

For more proof on why Obama is hated by the right, check out these numbers from a recent poll of Republican voters...

# 39 percent of Republicans believe Obama should be impeached, 29 percent are not sure, 32 percent said he should not be voted out of office.

# 36 percent of Republicans believe Obama was not born in the United States, 22 percent are not sure, 42 percent think he is a natural citizen.

# 31 percent of Republicans believe Obama is a "Racist who hates White people" -- the description once adopted by Fox News's Glenn Beck. 33 percent were not sure, and 36 percent said he was not a racist.

# 63 percent of Republicans think Obama is a socialist, 16 percent are not sure, 21 percent say he is not

# 24 percent of Republicans believe Obama wants "the terrorists to win," 33 percent aren't sure, 43 percent said he did not want the terrorist to win.

# 21 percent of Republicans believe ACORN stole the 2008 election, 55 percent are not sure, 24 percent said the community organizing group did not steal the election.

# 23 percent of Republicans believe that their state should secede from the United States, 19 percent aren't sure, 58 percent said no.

# 53 percent of Republicans said they believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama.

JlikeBoB said...

man, oh man, where did you find dem numbers.

Bradley Glisson said...

Research 2000 poll, it's been floating around the net over the last couple of days.

Bradley Glisson said...

Also of note, these numbers fall very much in line with other numbers I've seen over the past few months.

Like Obama said at the national prayer breakfast today "Certainly you can question my policies without questioning my religion...or my citizenship"