Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stewart V O'Reilly

Man oh man, Political TV has really been on point as of late. This is a completely engaging conversation with both men holding their own. I'm actually looking forward to part II to air tomorrow night.


JlikeBoB said...

Here, here to Stoner Slackers... they think they have us fooled!

Bradley Glisson said...

Stoners are usually quite smart as they're the ones actually taking the time out to analyze things in wildly complex detail.

JlikeBoB said...

I said..."they think they have us fooled..." meaning, we have them fooled. So don't go giving away the secrets now.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

i think its time to stop entertaining this ridiculous, fueling argument — because an argument it is not.

JlikeBoB said...

I'm not sure the point was to be argued (though it subsequently was for some reason). I was coming from a more... "call us what you will" type of attitude.

Bradley Glisson said...

Everytime I see a post from Nathanael I can't help but think of Point Break seeing as how his photo has that great 'presidents robbing banks' look. What a great photo.

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

the argument i was referring to was the one both men claimed to be having on tv — each claiming their own brand of integrity, which apparently is of no public interest in the first place. with no personal investment, ie. some degree of representation in regards to the conversation's subject matter, i find myself asking, "and what exactly is supposed to be entertaining me?"

Justin Baker said...
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Justin Baker said...

I am well aware that both Jon Stewart and O'Reilly have a narrative they are trying to propagate. The difference is that I do believe that Stewart is way more informed on a "rational" level than O'Reilly. Somewhere passionate appeal has become a shortcut for intellectualism. The loudest in the room is not synonymous with the smartest in the room: Bill, "you should be made to wear all kinds of telephones."

Bradley Glisson said...

I strangely find Bill O entertaining. He's the most sensible of the nighttime talking heads over on Fox and he is entertaining. I mean sure his views are skewed to the center right but you know that going in. He's also one of the few on Fox willing to call out the right-wingers for being "over the line" as he'd put it.

Hannity on the other hand is a whole nother ball game as he's a far right winger, as is Beck, as is the Fox morning show, on and on and on...I think those are the types Stewart has most of his beef with, and those are the types that I think most the Fox complainers have beef with. Also Fox has some whacked out "political analysts" such as Stossell, and Tantaros, Krystal, and on and on and on.

JlikeBoB said...

You're now defending Bill O

Bradley Glisson said...

I kinda like Bill O, he's entertaining and fairly fair. I mean he's to the right of course but he's not lunaticish with it. Now I hate a lot of the people who come on his show as many of them (Laura Ingrahm, Michael Bolton, etc) are whacky as owl shit, but Bill keeps it within reason of course.

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

Bill O is an entertainer. He knows what he's doing... Though I rarely tune in to him (because he's not THAT entertaining), there's way worse out there.