Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Day the Wind Continued to Blow


JlikeBoB said...

Haaaaa...whoa. Thanks for posting this...makin' me smile. Someone asked me today at work, "so do you have the Obama fever?" To which I replied, "nah, i'm temperature is ok."

YaYaYaDonTKnowMe said...

I gots the Obama fever today. Saw the ingauration at work on a jumbo tron with hundreds of co-workers. Pretty cool moment.

Bradley Glisson said...

I'm with you Matt, I've got the fever and I've had it for quite some time. And I love hearing about your jumbo tron story. I've seen footage from around the world today and it seems as if the entire world, from Kenya to Harlem, were all tuned in.

JlikeBoB said...

Honestly, I was at work, tuned in via NYT and headphones, turned around and EVERYONE from our floor was watching from this one tech nerd's screen...beyond that point I felt embarrassed to NOT watch it. A part of me wanted to be the bitter guy..."get back to work you lazy hippies!"

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

aahhhh my dear bradley . . . we're still subject to the tidal constraint, eh? i saw the cover of The New York Times Magazine, which read OBAMA'S PEOPLE and i asked myself, "who exactly is that out to exclude?"

NathanaelMcDaniel said...

. .. hell for that matter, "who is that out to EXCUSE?"